Love and forgiveness....

by Tornintwo 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tornintwo

    I've been musing a lot about the 'love' that exists in the organisation.

    What I've noticed over the last 20 odd years is that an overemphasis on the requirement for forgiveness by those who have been wronged. Of course as christians we should forgive eachother, but I'm talking about obvious abusive and bullying behaviour by 'prominent' ones, which is excused by the ageold 'we are all imperfect'..... 'its an organisation of imperfect men....', you should forgive.....and quickly dismissed. The lowly one who has been subject to the mistreatment is told to forgive, forget, move on, get over it. If they try to keep asking for justice, they are accused of pride, selfishness, murmuring or more subtly told to 'work on humility', not to make waves, not to cause contentions etc. etc. oh and finally the tried and tested 'leave it with Jehovah' Usually the abuser is in a prominent position in the hierarchy and the abused/mistreated is in a lowly position or even, heaven forbid, 'not in good standing'.

    The all too often result is individuals who are bent on power and like to bully others have every excuse to get away with it. The mistreated ones have to put up and shut up, leave it with Jehovah, forgive etc etc.

    As in any abusive relationship, unresolved this situation leads either to depression and self-criticism by the mistreated one who believe they are not good enough, not humble enough etc etc or to simmering resentment and eventual questioning by the stronger minded - As in, is this really Jehovah's organisation after all?

    Wouldnt it be refreshing if those who were mistreating others were chastised and disciplined and told to be more christian, told to apologise or stripped of privileges etc, instead of the victims being told to just put up with unchristian behaviour.

    Prov 21:13 “Anyone stopping up his ear from the complaining cry of the lowly one, he himself also will call and not be answered.”

  • DesirousOfChange

    It's too bad they don't have the same attitude against erring ones brought before a Judicial Committee.

    "I'm just imperfect and failed Forgive me!", is not a satisfactory excuse then.


  • Vidiot
    Maybe it's to prep the congregations for all the forthcoming child abuse disclosures.
  • umbertoecho

    In response to a question as to "how often one should forgive" Christ said something about seventy seven times. That was in response to a person" asking for forgiveness" and therefore, implied that the one doing wrong was contrite. It was not about forgiving someone who didn't care or seek to repair the damage done.

    So, if someone should request forgiveness for past wrongs, then it is a sign of regret. When the person or entity makes no attempt to seek forgiveness, I see no command to go about forgiving.

    I may have this wrong.........but I don't think I am far off the mark.

  • Tornintwo

    Umbertoecho, This is one of the things that drives me crazy, they expect us to forgive even when the other person hasn't apologized or even acknowledged the wrong. In our case, our family has been mistreated by a prominent elder who had shunned my kids and insulted me and my husband in the strongest terms, I tried to approach to make peace and he insulted me even more! What caused this? we caught his kid sending hardcore porn to another kid and his family didn't want to admit it or deal with it.

    No one wants to call him out on the way he has treated us because he is in the boys club, we just have to let it go, leave it with Jehovah, forgive and forget etc. while listening to him give talks at assemblies.

    i know from past experience that this isn't the first experience like this and won't be the last, it makes me sick, but at least it started my awakening.

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