One method of argumentation that the wt.society uses of the many that they do use is the "One - sided presentation".This is where contrary evidence is suppressed or ignored.For example:The Watchtower Jan 15,1991 pages 10 to 15,in the article,"Teach Publicly and from House to House".Quotes from 15 One - sided sources in support of its position or argument.All of those sources are from christendom.I'll just name the sources and you can if you choose,look up the article for yourself.1)Priest John Allard.2)Randolph O.Yeager.3)Abiel Abbot Livermore.4)Wesleyan Bible Commentary,Vol.4 Pages( 642-643).5)Scholar Joseph Addison Alexander.6) Scholar O.A.Hills.7)Bible Scholar Edwin W.Rice.8)F.N.Peloubet.9)J.Glentworth Butler.10)Scholar E.S. Young.11)W. B. Riley.12)E.M.Blaiklock.13)J. Herbert Kane.14)Oscar E.Feucht.15)Edward Caldwell. Question 16, Asks "Even writers in Christendom make what acknowledgement regarding Christians and Witnessing?"Now there is a big difference between the meaning of the words Witnessing and House to House.Witnessing is what one would do at anytime ,anywhere.House to House is the organized method that the article is trying to support using a One-Sided argument all from Christendom.Now let me give you just one opposing argument to this One-Sided argument.Read Ray Franz's book," IN SEARCH OF CHRISTIAN FREEDOM".Chapter 7.From House to House.Ray makes a powerful case that the Watchtower, while"saying" they believe in salvation by grace, actually preaches that door- to-door literature distribution and other good works are in effect necessary for eternal life. Blueblades
One - sided presentation.
by Blueblades 2 Replies latest jw friends
Also on pages 219 and 220 He states that .In the complete chart of "Witnessing Activity",some 150 separate incidents of "'witnessing"where the same incident was reported by more than one of the gospel writers, of the 150 incidents recorded only about 34 included any reference to a "house" or"home".In all the accounts, there is not a single instance that shows Jesus or any of his apostles or disciples calling from one door to the next door or even going from one house to another house.So the One-Sided argument with 15 different sources that the Watchtower uses fails when just one opposing argument is used to prove that they are not fair-minded or honest when trying to pressure the rank and file to do more from house to house.Rather than let them Witness from the heart anywhere at anytime unregulated without forced methods that were never intended by Jesus. Blueblades
Good Post! Most of those being witnessed to don't have the background, knowledge, or education to challenge the material being presented to them. Those that do will quickly show them the door.