Ontario Residents ( Hydro Petition)

by Beans 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Beans

    Hey Kids my Hydro bill has gone up 40% in one month, lets do something about it!


    There isn't time.. JUST READ IT AND DO IT "NOW" Thank You
    Then .. forward this e-mail to your friends in Ontario of course.

    Hydro Petition to the Ontario Govt.

    Hi Everyone...

    Have you received your latest Hydro bill as of yet? Well, if you
    have, you'll understand the reason for this petition. If you haven't
    received it yet, you'll soon find out..

    A woman has created an online petition regarding the ridiculous
    Hydro charges and the system put into place... As she put it, "If outcry
    from the public can get Ron McLean his job back, then we should be able to
    do something about our Hydro"..

    Please take a few minutes to sign the online petition. Let's see if
    as a group, we can put an end to this nonsense..

    Remember to pass this link on to your friends and family...QUICK!!!


    Canadian Overbeer

  • pettygrudger

    Same here in America - our gas bill has gone up an average of 55%, electricity 22%.

  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    I live in the USofA, but would like to respond to your post just because...because utilities will continue going UP in cost to the consumer while the companies whine and complain about "their expenses."

    In this valley where I live, water is a precious commodity...privately owned...and of course the state would really like to regulate the private wells, too. It's a friggen joke, and most people will not do or say much of anything until they are told how much water to consume. The politicans are voting to purchase private land and convert into housing developments. And just where is the water supposed to come from? Yeah, to many people...too little water. And of course the only one reaping any real benefit is the owner of the water - which sure as hell ain't the consumer.

    Same,same with lights. It's a joke! We have a casino that is lite up 24/7 - fast food junction that is about the same, but by golly, they (govenment) want your porch lite out by 10:00 p.m. so everyone can enjoy the stars, nature at it's best. Right!.

    Good luck, mate. I sincerely wish you well. This country is on a fast decline downhill and the increase in utilities is just one of the many symptoms of such.


  • Beans

    My bill went up 40% from my last bill cause were paying off the Government screw ups and it all went private. I think it is time for a gas stove and gas dryer man!


    Canadian Overbeer

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