Anyone here recognize that name? It was one of those companies made up mostly of JW's, sold snack foods back in the eighties. I know there were dubs from all over involved. Those were the days.
Wisconsin Bar Brand
by No Apologies 2 Replies latest jw friends
Never heard of them. Did they sell to other JWs, like convention food? Or to everybody? Were they from Wisconsin or just using that name? What area?
I know in Wisconsin, the assembly hall in Janesville bought a lot of goods to stock the kitchen with. You either had the hot or cold food lines. Now they've even done away with that. You've got to bring your own or go out to eat. Or so I've heard.
No Apologies
No, It was a wholesale outfit. They were based in Pine City, Mn and had distributors all over. Distributers would have a sales route of customers, bars, convenience stores, etc. Pioneers, exC.O's... They would sales meetings; felt like a circuit assembly because of all the JWs you'd run into.