I just realized something that I didn't realize before

by Island Man 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    JWs teach that only the anointed should partake of the emblems at the memorial because they are in the new covenant but the rest of JWs are not.

    Well, if we follow that logic, shouldn't they also teach that only the anointed should pray in Jesus' name?

    They teach that Jesus is the mediator between Jehovah and the anointed only and that the "other sheep" are going to be beneficiaries of the new covenant but are not party to it. The exact same reasoning applies to the memorial - the anointed are in the covenant but the "other sheep" are not. Therefore what holds true for partaking of the emblems should also hold true for praying in Jesus name - and even more so for the latter, because praying in Jesus' name involves invoking his office of mediator but he is not the mediator for the "other sheep"!

    So how is it the JWs don't see this glaring inconsistency? How did I not see this glaring inconsistency?

  • Listener

    This is how they explain it in the insight book, they explain that praying through Jesus in prayer is because of his role as High Priest, not as our mediator.

    <<There are, thus, others not of the 144,000 “sealed” ones who also pray to Jehovah God in the name of Christ, putting faith in the merit of his ransom sacrifice. This sacrifice is not only for those for whom Jesus mediates the new covenant but also for all mankind expressing faith in Christ. (1Jo 2:2) These not in the new covenant also appreciate that “there is not another name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must get saved.” (Ac 4:12) They, too, look to Jesus Christ as their great heavenly High Priest, through whom they can approach God and through whose ministration they can get forgiveness of sin. (Heb 4:14-16) Revelation 21:22-24 points out that ‘the nations will walk in the light of New Jerusalem,’ where Jehovah God is the light and the Lamb Jesus Christ is the lamp.>>

    Earlier on in this discussion they explain that Jesus has different roles, one as a mediator and one as a High Priest

    <<Holding the offices of Mediator and High Priest, Jesus Christ, being immortal, is always alive and able to plead for those of spiritual Israel approaching God through him, so that he can mediate the new covenant until those persons receiving his mediatorial assistance are saved completely. (Heb 7:24, 25) He is able to conduct matters to the successful completion of the new covenant. Those in the covenant are eventually installed in the heavenly priesthood as underpriests with Christ, their great High Priest.—Re 5:9, 10; 20:6.>>

    This is a doctrine that they rarely discuss. Most JWs have no idea that Jesus is not considered to be their mediator and it would appear that the GB would like to keep it that way unless they can somehow find new light to bring all JWs into this mediatorship. Given that the other sheep are now considered to be part of the household or domestics in the Faithful & Discreet Slave parable I can see this as a possibility. Also, when they introduced the new light about types and antitypes they explained that they generally would not be holding onto this idea that there are distinctions between who is being spoken of, the other sheep or the little flock.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    Thanks for that Listener.

    Now watch how easily that Insight article can be tweaked to argue that all JWs can partake of the emblems although they're not all in the New Covenant:

    <<There are, thus, others not of the 144,000 “sealed” ones who also pray to Jehovah God in the name of Christ partake of the emblems at the Lord's Evening Meal, putting faith in the merit of his ransom sacrifice. This sacrifice is not only for those for whom Jesus mediates the new covenant with whom Jesus makes a covenant for a kingdom but also for all mankind expressing faith in Christ. (1Jo 2:2) These not in the new covenant also appreciate that “there is not another name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must get saved.” (Ac 4:12) They, too, look to Jesus Christ as their great heavenly High Priest, through whom they can approach God and through whose ministration ransom sacrifice, by which they can get forgiveness of sin. (Heb 4:14-16) Revelation 21:22-24 points out that ‘the nations will walk in the light of New Jerusalem,’ where Jehovah God is the light and the Lamb Jesus Christ is the lamp.>>

    The same argument about Jesus having different roles can be used to say that all should partake of the emblems - Jesus serves as a ransom for all and as the mediator of the new covenant. So the anointed partake of the emblems as members in the new covenant and as beneficiaries of christ's ransom sacrifice while the "other sheep" partake only as beneficiaries of the ransom. One faith two hopes. One set of emblems, two significances. See how easy that is?

  • Splash

    Wasn't there a recent WT which said Jesus is the mediator for the 144,000 but is an intercessor for the Great Crowd?

    It was something like that.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher
    Splash - w13 3/15 p. 23 par. 18

    Initially, Jehovah will reside with his earthly subjects representatively by means of Christ Jesus. At the end of the thousand years, Jesus will hand the Kingdom over to his Father, having fully accomplished God’s purpose for the earth. (1 Cor. 15:28) Thereafter, perfected mankind will no longer need Jesus as an intercessor; Jehovah will be with them.

    w02 9/15 p. 5 - However, God has appointed an Intercessor for our prayers.

    w58 3/15 p. 183 par. 9 - “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, and forever.” (Heb. 13:8) He is our Intercessor.

  • TheWonderofYou
    I ve nearly forgotten it: For what reason is Jesus the "mediator" for only a small group of anointed ones? What is the "mediating, conciliating" act or activity at all for these small group in contrary to all other little sheep? Is it merely the theoretical applying of the benetifts of his ransom sacrifice or something really comprehensible?
  • Listener

    They play around with the true meaning of words so much it becomes difficult to understand what they really mean, so much for trying to draw close to God.

    In the Insight book they acknowledge that the term mediator is the same as intercessor

    >>Mediator - One who interposes between two parties at variance to reconcile them; an intercessor; an intermediary agent, or go-between. In the Scriptures the term is applied to Moses and Jesus, the mediators respectively of the Law covenant and the new covenant.—Ga 3:19; 1Ti 2:5.>>

    They don't use the term mediator when discussing prayers but use the word intercessor, here is an example from W 02 9/15

    <<However, God has appointed an Intercessor for our prayers. “I am the way and the truth and the life,” said Jesus Christ. “No one comes to the Father except through me.” Jesus also stated: “Whatever it is that you ask in my name, I will do this, in order that the Father may be glorified in connection with the Son. If you ask anything in my name, I will do it.” (John 14:6, 13, 14) We can be confident of Jehovah’s willingness to hear prayers offered in Jesus’ name. Concerning Jesus, the Bible says: “He is able also to save completely those who are approaching God through him, because he is always alive to plead [“be interceding,” footnote] for them.”—Hebrews 7:25>>

    They teach that Jesus is the mediator between God and the anointed in both the new covenant and the Kingdom covenant and Jesus, in his role as High Priest is the mediator for all JWs in prayer only .

    Their play with words and ideas is also evident when it comes to calling God our father. For the other sheep, they can only use this term as an endearment (he is not their father) and not in it's true sense, whereas God is father to the anointed. The W 15 6/15 reconfirms this

    <<4 The expression “our Father,” not “my Father,” reminds us that we belong to an “association of brothers” who truly love one another. (1 Pet. 2:17) What a precious privilege that is! Anointed Christians, who have been begotten as God’s sons with heavenly life in view, rightly address Jehovah as “Father” in the fullest sense. (Rom. 8:15-17) Christians whose hope is to live forever on earth can also address Jehovah as “Father.” He is their Life-Giver, and he lovingly provides for the needs of all true worshippers. Those with this earthly hope will in the fullest sense become God’s children after they have reached perfection and have proved their loyalty in the final test.—Rom. 8:21; Rev. 20:7, 8.>>

  • Vidiot

    Island man - "How did I not see this glaring inconsistency?"

    Same reason you didn't see any of the others...

    ...you were trained not to.

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