Do you celebrate National Junk food day. July 26th. My suggestion, a Gripe Day.

by James Mixon 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Some of you may find this to be silly, a Grip Day.

    Ok, how many knew we have these Days.

    1)National fast food day. Nov16th

    2) Chick-fil-A , annual cow appreciation day. July 14

    3) Take your pants for a walk day. July 27th

    4) All or nothing day. July 26th

    5) Cousins day. (That's is dumb)

    6) I forgot day. July 2

    There are many more weird days.

    So my suggestion is not so silly. My gripe, people that blast their car stereos so loud

    when you pull up next to them your car vibrate,or when in bed in the middle of the night

    some fool blasting his or her stereo and you think it's a earthquake.

    So, any gripes for my suggested celebrated day..

    National Junk food day, today not the 26th of July but the 21st....

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon
    Before someone say it "people who come up with silly topics" that gripes me.
  • Heaven

    I had an ice cream drumstick today. Does that count as celebrating?

    Edited to add: I actually like your idea of a Cousin's Day. I have some awesome cousins.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon
    Heaven: yes drumstick is junk food. LOL
  • truthseeker100

    Well everyone it's international Pi approximation day 7/22. Actually 22/7=3.14

    That's the first thing I said to the wife when we woke up this morning. She looked at me as if I had two heads. Who knows what evil lurks in a women's mind? LOL

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