Abuse vs. Neglect

by footprints 1 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • footprints

    Quote we fully understand the position taken by Ray Franz, and undoubtedly thousands of other former Witnesses, because we have taken the same position.

    I would like to say I agree with this quote. Those few of you who know me, know full well that I have taken action against child molesters and sexual predators whenever I have known about them. Both by helping victims and warning potential victims. Sexual abuse is bad and wrong.

    Unfortunately neglect causes enormously more damage, both current and lasting, than all the forms of abuse that I have ever heard of.

    It is honorable for some to focus on abuse and put all their energy into exposing it, preventing it, and punishing those responsible. Bill is doing a lot.

    It is also honorable for some to focus on the big picture and work to prevent the hundreds of kinds of neglect.

    By writing his books Ray has exposed an enormous amount of neglect, fostered and encouraged by the Watchtower Society

    I would like to say.

    Ray Franz Thank You

  • Witch Child
    Witch Child

    Yes. Ray Franz is one of my heroes! Hooray for Ray!!!!

    You have got to love those who stand up to the WT.



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