Beauty is only words deep

by kenpodragon 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • kenpodragon

    My wife used to be friends with this woman from her work, that I thought was one of the most beautiful people I ever met. She seemed to have more beauty then any one woman should posses, and of course her mere presence demanded attention. Well she was a temperamental sort and she always wanted the last word. For the most part, I think people gave it to her as she had those looks after all. Well one time my wife got on her bad side, by doing something better then she could. Then we got this letter from her, that she mailed to our home.

    The letter was basically a pill of garbage, pointing out this negative and that negative. As she thought she needed to justify why she was so much better and deserved all the fan fair my wife had achieved. I remember reading page after page of vile comments and rude statements, and even words I had to look up as they were not in my vocabulary. The letter was only three pages long, but it left a volume of information out about this woman's heart. The next company function arrived and I went with my wife. This woman was there, but no longer did she seem beautiful to me, no instead she looked like a troll sitting under a bridge.

    Have you noticed in this life, how much words can really hurt us? Have you also noticed how much they can help us to form a opinion of others. I notice from my online time and visiting boards. That most people do not show their pictures, and I am sure they have their reasons. From reading their post though and seeing their kindness in handling good things, and bad. I start to draw this mental picture of someone that is beauty on the inside and out. I often see that image in each of their words, and as I read more of their thoughts, I have less doubts that is what they look like. Whether I am close, or completely off ... it does not matter, for their words are what I know and that is what matters to me.

    With this in mind, I have been on many boards. I do not spend a lot of time there anymore, as I have a life to live as well. When I do so though I think of the two examples I see in my life. I remember reading that hateful letter to my wife, and see what image it brought about inside my mind. I remember reading the loving kindness in post and remember how good that made me feel in seeing the people through their words online. I have asked myself often, "what kind of a picture do I want to draw in the minds of others?" In answer I have found that I hope to draw a picture of a person of kindness, because online is not my life after all ... it should be fun entertainment. Not that anyone is perfect, or can not say something to defend themselves. What I wonder though, in our defense do we destroy or simply say our piece and move on. I can honesty say at times I have done both, and I live with those regrets all the time.

    I have many thought that travel through my mind on any given day. Some are words of what people have said, some are things I read, and in all I appreciate the "beauty that is words deep" that I see in others thoughts. For these are what have a value to me.

    What kind of impression do you want to leave in others online?

    My thought


    Edited by - kenpodragon on 25 October 2002 21:24:52

  • Shakita


    When you are young, you are very intimidated by others "looks." You seem to judge others by what the shell of the person looks like. When you get older and have had experience in life with different personalities of people, good and bad, you come to find that the saying is true that "beauty is only skin deep." But try to tell that to a 16 year old. Forget it. It takes that experience that only life can give you to realize this. Some of the kindest people I know, would never win any beauty contest. But they are first rate in my book.

    As for others impression of me online, what you see is what you get I suppose.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • BeautifulGarbage


    Great thoughts.

    When I was young thing in my teens and 20's, my friends would ogle at all the "good looking" males. Or as we used to call them in those days, Babes. When I was elbowed for my comments, I used to shrug my shoulders and say "Maybe" or "I guess". Unless I know someone on the inside, I really couldn't offer an opinion about an individuals looks, or beauty. I have always been that way. Besides, all of us that are getting older know, that outside stuff fades.

    When I think about all of the beautiful people that in my life, it's the heart that I see.

    What kind of impression do I want to leave? hmmmm. On this forum, I am sure the opinions of me are a mixed bag.

    In my "life" I would hope that regardless of everything else, I'm thought of being someone who always tries to do what is good and is right.


  • Solace

    Wow, I was just talking about this.

    I posted about this before but it kind of relates so I'll repeat it. I ran daycare for three years and I took care of a child who was slightly disfigured. I found myself being much more attentive to this baby than the other children.

    When dating however, I never paid attention to a mans appearance. I usually never even noticed a man until we began talking and I got to know him. Someones personality can definatly make someone attractive or not so attractive.

    Being one of the youngest and blondest in the office can also be very frusterating though. People tend to assume things by your appearance. I know." Waaa, waaa " but seriously I have always felt that I have had to work twice as hard as the next person just to be taken seriously but I have gotten used to it. People have counted the minutes, so I never take breaks, well except for the coffee at my desk and I usually eat a quick lunch. I always try to do as much as I can while Im there. I was recently offered a promotion so I think I have finally proven myself.

    I went a few months before posting my picture, mostly because my family are all witnesses and I was nervous they may "find" me. Tired of pretending and hiding from my own family (how absurd) I decided to reveal my identity and here I am.

    Hi Mom!

  • Searchin50

    Good information Kenpodragon- I liked it.

    Beauty is only skin deep when your looking at the outside.

    Those beauties can sometimes be a ugly person on the inside,

    People can often be a poor judge of character when they only

    look on the outside. There is no way to know a person going on

    their appearence---------- looks can be deceving!

    Most of the time they are

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