THIS IS THE BEST MOVIE EVER,,,its about a son and his controlling mother ,,,she runs his life completely and he just hates his life is always trying to show his mother how much by trying to kill himself ,,,well as the story goes he meets his mate but she is like 50 yrs older (ruth gordan) and what a great and wise older lady ,,,they love to go to anyones funeral and well go and rent the video there is music by CAT STEVENS IN IT.....ALWAYS LOVED HIS SONGS......, I THINK when you watch it you will catch alot of similarites between controlling jw parents and their inadequate and socially retarted children ,,,but in the end the song says ,,,if you want to be free,,,, be free...... thats our motto right gang ,,,,really get the movie..... its worth it
anyone seen the movie "harold and maude&q...
by wildfire 4 Replies latest social entertainment
Hi Wildfire,
I haved loved Harold and Maude for more than twenty years... I've probably watched it like 40 times, I swear.
It was a great "sixties" movie.... to those young enough to remember those years, (LMAO HA HA HHAHHAHH) ahem. .. the movie is so full of awesome stereotype-parody...... Cat Stevens..... *sigh*
It's a very life-affirming movie, and HEY ! "maude" is actually 80 years old... she hints at her upcoming
choice to become a new thing on her 80th birthday. She looked pretty good for 80, huh? Ruth Gordon is amazing.thanks for the reminder ... lauralisa
It's always been one of my all-time favorites. I saw it when it first came out in the movie theatres. What's-his-first-name (Bud?) Cort did a fabulous job as the troubled young man. I don't remember ever seeing him in any other movies, though.
How about a movie of a similiar nature that came out about the same time called "Brewster McCloud?" Anyone ever see that one? It was about a guy who thought he could fly like a bird.
HEY GUYS THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES.... BRINGING BACK THE SIXTIES IN STYLE... I WAS A SWING ING CHICK IN THOSE DAYS HAHAH YA FARKEL SIR.... I THINK THERE WAS ANOTHER MOVIE WITH BUD..IN IT I THINK IN MY INSOMNIA.... i was watching this strange sixty movie where an angel was always making him do bad things .... he would murder people and they could never find him but then one day the angel left and he had these huge set of wings and he was in a huge indoor stadium and he was flying around with them as the police came and shot him down....dam i think i was watching it or was i dreaming ... it was so typical of the psycedelic sixties peace love and strange movies.....
I saw Harold & Maude recently and I thought it was great.
As I was watching it, I thought, "Gee, that guy looks like John Cusack."
And the suicide attempts reminded me of Cusack's 80's movie Better off Dead too.
Now I wonder if the similarities were more than just coincidence...