Wow. Things are heating up in Australia. What a headline.
Pedophiles repeatedly promoted to positions of authority in Jehovah’s Witness church royal commission told
by stuckinamovement 8 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Pay attention all elders!
Church elders could now face criminal charges for concealment of serious indictable offences and failure to disclose sexual offences against minors, counsel assisting the commission Angus Stewart SC said.
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Very interesting. Developed countries like Australia are noting the evil nature of the Watchtower Society.Link +1 / -0 -
There is a distance that the Royal Commission is able to attain in searching out the facts. It is a useful distance that enables them to see clearly what is legal and illegal. However, I fear I really fear, that some quick witted JW lawyer will twist this all around. I do hope sincerely that this is spotted and stopped. I have seen the Royal Commission do some very good work in the past,. Not allowing for slithering out of a question, insisting upon facts, forcing the person questioned to simply answer in the affirmative or negative. I do like that about the psyche of the Australian mentality.Link +1 / -0 -
umbertoecho - "...I really fear that some quick witted JW lawyer will twist this all around."
Can't make the headlines, hashtags, and Youtube links just disappear, though.
umbertoecho - "I do like that about the psyche of the Australian mentality."
World, take notice; this is how it's done.
I was railed on by a family member because according to him"pedo's can never be used again". wrong! -
Slidin Fast
Here we go! I think that this is the most important development for years. Civil court cases such as Candice Condi stand or fall on the vagaries and intricacies of the law and as we have seen, victory can turn to ashes in your hand.
I believe that the facts being exposed here are a game changer. The forum is very public, there is a desire to let the fresh air and sunlight into the dark corners. These investigations both in Australia and the UK will have far reaching consequences. No matter how they try I don't think this genie is going back in the bottle.
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Captain Obvious
I found this just scrolling through the BBC news like I do everyday...
LOVE the publicity this case is getting.
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