Well today I had an experience even better than finding a $20 in an old coat pocket. Rodbar and I were chatting about places we had been back in the 70's. I got off the chat and while doing chores recalled a chance encounter during a Memphis assembly.
I was in the motel pool speaking with a dark haired teen girl. She had, as I found out, an interest in radio broadcasting. This little discussion was no longer than 15 minutes long as the girl was called out by her dad to tend to a sibling.
Later, I found Robdar in chat again and mentioned my recollection. Oddly enough, she was able to "finish my sentences" as it were. Seems she knew as many details about this encounter as I did. By our conversation it chat, I am 99.9% percent sure that was Robyn I had met all those years ago. The details are too uniqe for a scrambled recollection-- and two people with the same spin on the story has to make it unbelieveably believable.
Has any one else on JWD had a similar experience? Any others used to attend Memphis Dist assemblies?
So Robyn, after all these years--Glad to find you! Are'nt post like these much more interesting than the "BB vs. RF threads that drone on and on and on...................
Edited by - hillbilly on 27 October 2002 22:3:41 Edited cause I can't take much more of this BB vs. Ray stuff
Edited by - hillbilly on 28 October 2002 18:12:46