My thought on Ray

by freedom96 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    I never thought that I would post something about Ray Franz, and quite frankly, I have skipped most of the recent postings on the subject.

    I was in my early teens when Ray was df'd. I heard the gossip in the hall, and I had heard that this was the nephew of the president. My first thought was, that Ray was a rebelious teenager.

    It was not until much later that I found out who he actually was, and what position he had carried back at Bethel.

    I have not yet met the man, and who knows if I will ever have the opportunity. I have talked with several people though, including my own mother, who have met him. He has been described to me as an elderly, kind man, without an ax to grind, and quite sincere.

    The question I have for those pointing fingers, is:

    How many of us have looked back and regretted actions that we had done? I would imagine all of us at some point have done something we were not proud of. But, hopefully we were given a second chance, an opportunity to apologize, and a chance to go forward. We certainly are not perfect.

    Perhaps we were doing the best we could under the circumstances, or maybe we did do somthing blatently wrong. But as life goes on, we improve our situations, we improve our attitudes, and try to do better. We should all have that opportunity.

    The fact is, we were not there to see everything that happened in Ray's life. We do not know the full extent of the torment in his mind, about what he said and did. We were not there behind the closed doors. The man emerges, and has a crisis of concience. Is he not allowed to do so? Even if he had joined with the GB on issues, does he not have the right to step back, and say, this isn't right?

    My understanding from those that know him, is that Ray has not become wealthy by any means by the sales of his book.

    The fact of the matter is this, however. For those who have enjoyed his books, great. Hopefully it has helped in some regard for those deciding to leave the WTS. Then it has filled its purpose. That really should be it.

    What goes on between Ray and Bill, or whomever on this board, it really does not matter. Our own day to day lives are not going to be affected at all whether or not they like each other, or follow each others individual beliefs.

    The differences between each other on the board, some supporting Bill, others Ray, also, really just don't matter. It is not going to affect our lives, and putting such emphasis on who is wrong or who is right is not accomplishing anything.

    We can just agree to disagree, without calling names, without being hateful, and realize that in one way, shape or form, we all do have something positive to bring to others, to life, and enjoy each other for that.

    For me, until I am in someone elses shoes, I am not going to judge. My hat is off to Ray for what he has been able to accomplish, and Bill, for the help that he has given to those who need it. Best wishes to both.

  • larc

    Freedom, I fully agree with what you wrote. Unfortunately, your words are far too reasonable for some to "get it." To see my thoughts on this take a look at the thread started by rekless entitled, Ray Franz. I hope my abruptness with him, made him and others stop and think.

  • mouthy

    I too have met Ray- He is the most HUMBLE man I have met.. He invited many of us to his home for lunch. Whilst I was visiting his home town..... No !!I look to NO!!! NO MAN at all!!! but I have to say what I think about a person when I met them. Especially since so many have slandered him -yet when I asked him why he doesnt sue??-He said( qoute) "Leave them to GOD He will repay...because they know not what they do- I also regret things I did whilst I was in the W.Tower..."Unquote..

  • Celia

    freedom96 says :

    How many of us have looked back and regretted actions that we had done? I would imagine all of us at some point have done something we were not proud of. But, hopefully we were given a second chance, an opportunity to apologize, and a chance to go forward. We certainly are not perfect.

    I don't understand the few people who accuse Ray of having been part of everything that's wrong in the Society.... Most posters on this board are ex-JWs, which means they were going door-to-door trying to convert people to join this cult they hate so much today.... People change....

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