When I was young, I remember my dad handing out witness tracks to the kids when they would come to the door. Come to think about it now, I am suprised that we never got vandelized later.
In fact, I remember one guy coming to the door with his kid, he only lived a few doors down. My dad gave some big speech along with the tract, upsetting the man enough that he stopped and went back home.
As I grew older, I was aware of witness get togethers, usually out for pizza or something, and would attend those events. They would do anything to avoid being home when the trick or treaters came to the door. Some of course would turn off all the lights and pretend that they were not home, again to avoid the kids.
I am still not sure what I think about the holiday; it sure isn't one of my favorites, but I think that the witnesses sure over react. I don't believe any of the kids are intending on being evil. They simply have an excuse to dress up and play.
Anyways, the question I have, is what did you do as a witness at Halloween?