Were in that time of year again, where elections are in full swing. I have heard so many commercials telling me what to think and vote on, that I am just counting the days to when it all goes away. Every once in a while there will be programs on the television, where the two candidates debate. Sometimes I will watch the show for a minute or two, to see what kind of questions will come up. A lot of times the questions are really open ended and leave a lot of room for the candidate to dance into his own set platform. Occasionally though, someone will ask a question that has the man or woman think "Please do not ask me that question?" I love when that happens, why?
Well as a former Witnesses now, I really notice how in my Witness life we always wanted to have questions that were nice. We would go to doors, and ask people "do you want a better life" or "do you think God is working to help mankind?" As long as the questions stayed in that frame, we felt alright. That was not always the case though, and sometimes people would ask us things that kind of turned on our inner warning lights. These questions were sometimes taught to them from their church, friends who knew stuff about the religion, or maybe even something they read online. No matter where the material came from, it made us feel very uneasy. What kind of things am I thinking of?
One of my favorite was when a lady listened to my whole presentation, and then paused for a minute and looked at me and said, "Since I am not in your religion, you consider me to be as good as dead, right?" I set there for a minute, kind of caught off guard. I tried to explain that she misunderstood and that she must have heard that from a person who did not like Jehovah's Witnesses. In reality inside I was saying "you are right", but I could just not say it right to her face. Because it sounded so mean and hateful.
Then their was the time that I was at a man's house I had studied with, when his room mate walked in and asked, "you think your religion is the only one right, and all other religions are controlled by Satan, right?" I again found myself sitting their wondering how I should explain this, when what he said was exactly what Jehovah's Witnesses believed. I danced around it for a while and gave a answer that was not really a answer at all. Interesting enough, the study canceled a few days later.
So as I watch these politicians dance around the issues and questions they want to avoid. I think of myself back when I was a Witness, and know how these men really feel. They can dance from one question, to a completely different issue if they want. In reality though, they would be more then happy to answer something "if they knew the truth was something that would make you happy." Basically though, when they know it is true and it is something they are not wanting to admit to nonbelievers, or those who do not accept that line of thinking. They just avoid the subject all together. If you are a Witness now, and you have not admitted to your friends who are nonWitness, that they are basically walking corpses to you. If you have not said to them that their religion is a spawn of Satan. Then you are a phony friend, who is only playing games with yours and other people's lives. Face your beliefs, and be true to yourself and them, or you are no different then the politician liars you see on the television.
When you are with Witnesses, whether you want to or not. If you really want to see them do the politician dance of avoiding the subject. Just ask them these questions, when they are around people they don't want to share the real truth with.
"The real truth will set you and others free"
What kind of questions can you think of that makes the Witnesses dance when they are in the company of others they do not what to admit the real truth with.
My thought
Edited by - kenpodragon on 30 October 2002 16:51:59