Has anyone here been to the burning man festival?
by avishai 7 Replies latest jw friends
No, never heard of it before.
check out
My daughter has gone 3 times. Did you go this year? She was with the cloud car people. I forgot her village name. She really loves it. It sounds too hot and windy for me but I would like to see the art. I looked at all the pictures on the site.
Yikes! This IS a "small" world! (Peace to you!)
I have an employee who goes every year. I just discussed it with him last Friday, and this what he told me:
All who go must take everything with them (furniture, clothing, food, water, etc.), and take everything when they leave (there are even some who scour the entire "campground" afterward for the smallest piece of litter, even cigarette butts!)
There's music, partying, etc. He said that it's SO hot, however, that during the day, he stays in his tent (he said he even took his sofa and futon - he stayed 6 days, and there were others who "camped" with him, so....)
There are times when the wind is so fierce, kicking up dust, that you cannot see more than a foot or so in front of you. On the last day, they literally burn a huge statue-like "man" (I asked him if it was "in effigy" and said it was, although no one in particular... just the "system"... I forgot the name of the man he said started it all back on the beach in San Francisco, I think...)
He said that people sometimes get injured, even killed, as they may get to close to the fire (there were about 28,000 people this year...), and one person was killed this year when he slept out on a road he shouldn't have and someone who shouldn't have driven down that road ran over him (evidently, the area was "off limits" to vehicles and campers... but you know how some folks can get). He also said that his was the first year that some looting and vandalism took place, and all of the "regulars" were really uptight about it, as that is the type of thing they're trying to get away from... well, one of them.
Because of the type of person this "young" man (he's in his mid-30s, but is one of THE most "innocent/gentle" folks I know), I don't think I can say anything negative about "BurningMan." If he goes regularly, I am ready to assume that the lion's share of the folks who go are peaceful people... and that the event really is just a kind of "retreat" for them. Too bad you always have to have a jerk or two ruin it.
Off to check out the link... and again, peace to you!
SJ (a slave of Christ)
Search topics for "Burning Man"....a poster named ThiChi meets up with other XJWs. I am considering going next year.
There is a festival where they burn men? Cool !!! It's our turn? Do I have to bring my own matches??
Okay, just kidding
Yes! This was my second year! I camp at the VW bus camp and know many xJws who camp at the Lamplighters camp. Next year, e-mail me and come by our camp for cocktails and great food!
They do not burn a real man but a three story wooden, every one must check out burningman at least once!
Envision art, with music and positive self expression mixed with the summer of love! Very cool!
Edited by - thichi on 31 October 2002 11:48:19
Edited by - thichi on 31 October 2002 11:49:34