I cant't read it.
Satanic ritual in Italy
by Nordic 3 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Satanici Rituals Drugged Children: Also Vampirismo and Cannibalismo
(COMFORTS) - Pescara, 15 ott. - a cavern of the horrors. This was the schism "Angels of discovered Sodoma" from the Police of State of Pescara. Beside the month black and to the rituals vudu ', in the operating base of the schism, a photographic apartment-study to Chieti Port of call, - second the enquirers practiced also to the cannibalism and the vampirismo. To hold the row was Giovanni Carbotti, 32 years, resident to Rome, arrested to the 5 of stamani while rincasava with one girl. The man, that he preached a hatred examined in depth in the comparisons of the children, in the course of the satanici rituals procurava of the small cuts in order it makes yourself to suck the blood from the minors who came soggiogati and then drugged with LSD. She was in this way that the boys came ' purificati' thanks to the interecessione with the demon of ' reverendo' "the Janasc", thus made oneself to call Giovanni Carbotti. The Police has moreover assessed that corpse pieces use you also for cannibalism came trafugati from the cemetaries of Caramanico and San Silvestro, in the pescarese. The other person ended in jail e' 2nne original of Bariums but a resident to Pescara, Gaetano De Meat. The young person e' be arrested to Catania in the room of the parents. Domicliari arrests, instead, for Italian Diodato and Amleto De Cesar, both 3nni residents to Chieti. Their task was that one to document, with photographies, all attivita' of the schism, the rituals comprised. In the inquiry six persons are inquired others. According to how much rendered famous from the quaestor of Pescara, Angel Barefoot, that it has held a press conference with with the leader of the Flying squad, the Enrico De Simone, the smaller victims of the schism would have been at least one ten.
BTW that is a horrible translation. What kind of translation service was used. If I have time, I'll personally translate it myself.
hey stichione, are you italian? are you in italy? i hope you translate the article, look forward to reading it. please write back.