I must've been in grade school when the idea of checks and balances made total sense to me. Recent events have made what I learned long ago an even more valid concept.
The U.S. government was initially founded on the principle that no one individual (or group) should be able to rule without any kind of impediment. Whatever one person (or group) wanted should be counter-balanced by the wants of some other individual (or group). The Founding Fathers here in America didn't want to cramp anyone's style... they just wanted the best for everybody. They wanted to distance the New Country--as much as they could--from the despotism of King George's England. Simply put... they wanted the greatest amount of freedom, the greatest amount of happiness, for the greatest number of people. These days, there must be a term for that.
Now in light of this, when I was a good and obedient and loyal Dub I was under the impression that the Founding Fathers weren't the originators of this principle of checks and balances. Back when I was a good Dub, I read somewhere in the Good Book where this three-legged principle of rulership was outlined. In that particular instance, it was outlined that god, THE god, happened to hold all three of the aforementioned legs of the governance. Yeah, the idea that any one person (or group)can sucessfully hold the reigns on all three areas of governance won't work among us puny humans, but the principle was made clear: there should be checks and balances. Nobody, at no time, should hold full sway. Ever.
A side point.... to whom it may concern...
Online life IS NOT LIFE.
Online life, even at its best, is only a diversion from REAL life. It's oft said... "get a life." Well, regardless of our situation, it's really not that hard (if you know how to go about it), and based on the reality that we aren't here that long, maybe getting a life (starting today) isn't such a bad idea.
Just a thought.