Tuesday November 12th is the date for the much anticipated release of the movie Lord of the Rings-The fellowship of the Ring on DVD. Although the movie was released in August, the package released in 12 days reportedly will have 30 extra minutes of movie not shown at the theatrical release. Which is all the more exciting for the true fan. And don't forget the release of The Two Towers on December 12th!
LOTR-Fellowship DVD
by stichione 6 Replies latest social entertainment
I'm still debating as to whether I'm going to get this as well. I think as the Two Towers gets closer my descision will be made easier.
Did I miss something? I think I already have LOTR - Fellowship of the Ring on DVD? <Running to take a look at collection>
Yeah I do have it already. Is there a new one coming out with additional footage? The one that I have has 2 discs with additional footage. I am confused about this?
November 12th is the release date of the collector's edition of the LOTR DVD set. It will include bookends in the shape of the Argonath statues and a ton of other stuff. AND there are 30 extra minutes of scenes which were deleted from the theatrical release! Coooool!
Check out the following link to Amazon.com:
Edited by - stichione on 3 November 2002 23:44:34
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!! You are a victim of rampant consumerism and commercialism!!
Doesn't it suck!!!! I am sorry for you!!!
What's cool about the extra 30 min is that it is incorporated into the movie. They even had the sound guys go back to studio to record new music for it.
Check out:
For a good summary of the added material.
I'll check it out, because some my biggest complaints might be dealt with in it, like Galadriel's gifts being omitted.
I'll buy it, although I do despise Peter Jackson's flick. It's Tolkien, it can't be all bad.