There is a deep mystery that has been hidden from man all his history. It was not hidden because God didn't want man know it. It was hidden because it was too awesome a concept for man to comprehend and appreciate until now This is a significant time in human history as man is about to reach his adult stage as the earthly child of God. God has provided by way of special inspiration all the object lessons neede for man to being to appreciate this important truth about his life.
A sign of Christs second presence is a abundance of knowledge. This feature among others signalled the time when Christ would be present again.
The thing that sets apart believers from unbelievers is that unbeiievers can only believe what they see. Believers have enhanced perception. Not only do they have physical eyesight but spiritual eyesight as well. It is plainly the spiritual man versus the physical man of the Bible. The spiritual man knows everything of the physical man but the physical cannotcomprehend the things of the spiritual man for they are perceived spiritually.
The special ability of the spiritual man is to create by means of belief. For the spiritual man therefore "You'll See it when you Believe It". The believer walks by faith an not by sight.
Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for. It is the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld. Faith is the only way that uneen things can be observed. For all the men of science before they could perceive unseen forces where they could develop formulas outlining the effects of these forces they had to exercise faith and a willingness to believe. All laws are spiritual. What we call physical laws are spiritual (unseen) laws that have a direct physically perceivable effect on material things.
But spiritual laws are by far more numerous and more powerful than than the physical variety yet they can only be perceived by men of faith.
Had Moses had the scepticism of unbelievers he would never have recognized the vioce from the burning bush as being from God. Surely he would have rationalized it in such a way it could be explained naturally. This is the same as it was with the Scribes ad Pharisees of Jesus day who despite his many powerful miracles denied his divinity.
A Prime example of spirit things being perceived by faith is the law of Reciprocity otherwise called reaping what you sow or doing unto others as you would have them do unto you. It requires faith to recognize such laws exist and they are enforceable by angels. There are angelic forces responsible for enforcing every law of the universe both physical and spiritual.
Awareness of the holy spirit obtainable by faith is the very source of supernatural power. Learning to trust God and believing before you see things is our most valuable key to successful living. The believer in the scriptures is told that anything one asks in faith in accordance with Gods will he will grant it. Ask and you shall receive God says.
Faith in God and Trust in him can make us healthy, wealthy, and wise. Let us not forget happy as well. Faith in ourselves (positive thinking) can give us power over our lives. But the supernatural power trust in God gives us is unmatched.
So far I have only alluded to the Great Mystery of the Ages. Now to spell it out.
We are kin to the angels.
Mans body is the vehicle or space suit for transporting him through the earthly experience and sustaining his life here. Man was created in Gods image receiving a inheritance of spirit that is in the likeness of God.
What evidences is there such is true:
Instinct, dreams, OBEs, Psychic communication, etc.
The following isa poem I wrote after dreamstate inspiration circa 1995.
The Me I Cannot See
There is a me I cannot see
There is a you you never knew
There is an I thats so so shy
There is a us we never trust
This one so close is the most of who we are
This one so far is the way to every star
Let the dreams begin
Let us find that man within
Let us hope and love
And give thanks to the one above
This one so hidden is waiting to be ridden
This one so strong is what we nee to belong
This one so wise it opens our eyes
To see our duty to maintain earths beauty
There is a force that sets the ourse for our lives
There is a rudder from the gutter for which men strives
Let the dreams begin
Let us find that man within
Let us hope and love
And give thanks to the one above
I speak with much experience of the enormous power of faith. Faith is not wishful thinking or fantasy. Faith is the premier quality in the Bible by which a man can become friends with God and spirit sons of him. There is one requirement in the Bible for salvation and a right relationship with God. The reward of this faith is the outpouring of the holy spirit together with all the fruitages that come with it. Such things as love, joy, peace, kndness, etc.