Out On The Limb of Life...

by Sentinel 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sentinel

    Because I have already done my research into "the bible thing", "the god" thing, "the Jesus" thing, I tend to stay away from the doctrinal discussions. I don't judge anyone for his or her beliefs. But, I can truly understand why some are still in that "place". It's just that I've already done that and am convinced that mankind truly misunderstood Jesus, and the other great enlightened beings. Jesus was a great teacher, but even his disciples didn't understand him. His wisdom was just so far above anything ever known. Perhaps even the events of his birth, life and death have been so twisted and distorted, that we just don't have the facts. I realize that Christians base their faith of Jesus being god's son and all, and the redeemer for all mankind, but I view it totally different.

    I try to look at it with common sense. So much of the bible is just the words of man, and even the "supposed words of Jesus" were written by men. I see how mankind can distort the facts even now, and surely it was no different then.

    Some of the detailed portions of the doctrinal issues interest me, to the point where I copy it to word and study it. I may or may not respond. My concepts are so different from others, that I can only discuss things here on a certain level, but my email is always open.

    We are really fighting against the odds of survival as a human race. We cannot control these things. But, we can rest assured that because "we" were created in their image, we are not alone entirely. But only the divine can intercede, and we just have to hope that before this earth goes through another cataclysm, that they will return and save this race of mankind. Not everyone will be saved, but they have a special interest in their creation. As humans, we need to feel loved and accepted by our universal creators, so we move towards the comfort of their good and light.

    The natural course of events is for a human to be born and to live and then to die. Anything other than that would be an intervention. The earth has always had its cycles, over millions of years. The creators were there when the earth was born, and they have been here each time the earth changes. They have created life before, and those creations have been destroyed, usually by changes in the earth, which they allowed. At one point during these earth changes, we were created "in their image" and our society of mankind began. Now, nearly six thousand years later, what does that mean for the human beings here? We are their special investment, so to speak. And, we have been given notification of this, through the enlightened beings that have traveled this earth and lived among humans. Sometimes, we just need to learn how to communicate with our creators, and then to listen. This is the human dilemma.

  • sOOner

    Very well said.How did you do the signature thing,mine has never worked

    I am enjoying my limb in life so to speak.I feel much wisdom in my heart.I believe that if we graciously ask of our creators they bless us with new found information and this allows us to see through the veil so to speak.Many secrets are being brought to our attention in the media with movies such as "Signs".We have to allow our eyes to see and believe.




  • Sentinel

    Hi sOOner!

    I just went to my Profile and typed in what I wanted it to say in the signature area and then submitted it.

    How did you get your pic on here

    You can see how well these types of threads are received, can't you? It does not surprise me that you are the only one who has responded. Remember when we were lost and didn't know what we know now? You can see why mankind could not grasp what Jesus was trying to tell them when he walked the earth, let alone, now that he is gone. You just can't come out and say certain things, because people will be frightened away. They think we are just "way out there" in la la land. I remember when I felt the same way...and it was not that long ago.


  • maynard

    Sentinel I was wondering what your foundation for religious belief is. That is, how do you know that what you believe is true?

    >>> "supposed words of Jesus" were written by men.<<<<<

    I just wanted to respond to this one statement. The books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are eyewitness accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus. As well the rest of the NT written by Luke, John, Paul, James, Jude, and Peter are eyewitness accounts to what Jesus taught. We have eight different eyewitness accounts as to what Jesus taught, and all eight attest to the same things. ( We all sin, a price must be paid for our sin, Jesus provide the payment for our sin, we need to accept that payment and live life the way God created us to live it.) Sure there are some apparent conflicts in some of these teachings, but thats the case when you have multiple witnesses. But the one thing anyone will notice if you study the NT, there is NO conflicts were major doctrine is concerned. ( I personally don't believe there are any conflicts, only apparent conflicts.)

    Blessings to you


  • Sentinel


    I appreciate your reply to my post. You asked what the foundations of my religious beliefs are, and how do I know my beliefs are true.

    In all sincerity, Maynard, I could not answer these questions in a few simple statements on here. My heart is so full and there is just no way I can convey to you or anyone else my life's history and experiences and beliefs. Yet, here I am today, living my life in a way that I have never done before, and in ways that I wondered were ever possible.

    Blessings be to you, my friend. I will send you an email.

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