As a business consultant, in some opportunities I found articles that in my opinion apply to the WT. I think that the following may be one. It covers, between others, the topic about why some measurements programs in the business may fail. The reason that in my opinion may apply to the WT is the use of: Indicators that motivated wrong behavior.
As we all know the JWs needs to report theirs service hours and the headquarters consolidate all the information to report the grow of the organization. For me to have this only kind of metric to be measured in a Christian organization is dead wrong because its not balanced, it promotes a bad attitude to see only the hours in service, the books printed, and the grow in mumbers in all the world. In others words it control the quantity, but not the grow in love to the brotherhood, neither grow in love to God, or the grow in Christian maturity of the brotherhood. In this scenary in my opinion is better not to measured anything.
Of course there are more importants reasons because the WT are wrong. Maybe you have your personal opinions about why it happened that people that believes in God and that are in others way good individuals may be so wrong as an organization, I would appreciate your comments, if you include a psicological approch or similarly would be better.