DR. PHIL takes on Pedophiles

by wednesday 9 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • wednesday

    I just finished watching Dr. phil on ch 11 in Dallas,TX area. He was on between 3p-4p. This is a CBS station.It was chilling what the predators told him. There were interviews with victims . I have obtained video's before of programs, so i know one can be obtained of this program. It is worth watching.

    Edited by - wednesday on 4 November 2002 17:11:47

    Edited by - wednesday on 4 November 2002 17:22:23

  • morrisamb

    Thank you for posting this..I had wanted to watch it and forgot...it's on again on some station 5pm EST. I'm catching most of it..fascinating and doesn't pull any punches!!!

  • wednesday


    well i looked through all my many cable channels, and can't find it. Must be one we don't get. yes Dr. phil pulled no punches with that guy in jail, "u expect me to buy that load of crap.." was what he said at one point. The guy was saying he din't understand what he did one sec, and in the next he was braging about how clever he had been. Unless this guy has MPD, and that may be what is using for defense, then Dr. phil is right-it was a "load of crap". I rather gathered Dr. Phil does not accept the MPD diagnosis.

  • lisaBObeesa

    starting now in Bay Area california

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Hubby and I watched the show!. I try not to miss any.

    The one today about the pedophl raised questions in my mind. At first the man interviewed in prison said that he went after boys. Thn later he said he went after a girl. I really was under the understanding they preferred one or the other!.Tha was a surprise to me.

    Also..I believe he mentiond he thought he should be chemically castrated.

    What did you think of that?

    I don't think sex is the problem. I think it is a lot deeper than that , as Dr Phil was bringing out!


  • TR

    Bullets are cheaper than prison.


  • bigfloppydog

    I also watched Dr.Phil, it was a very enlightening program, the guy in jail, stated that if he were to get out, he would re-offend, so it seems he is better off where he is. I was taken back by the way he expressed how he gained the confidence of the victims parents to reach his goal to persuade his victims to do what he wanted. This is truly a very sick person. This whole process he said took a very long time to do, to gain the childrens confidence, by playing a game with them. I believe he called it the "Tickle Game." Then there was a woman on at the end who Dr. Phil was talking to, who simple refused to let her children out of her sight, they even had to have her children in eyesight of their mother while she was on the program. WOW! Makes you wonder if your children are safe with anyone. And the poor girl who was molested when she was 13 even earlier than that, who is now 20 and she has a real problem trusting people, mostly men, I mean look at the impact all this has had on her life, she will probably never be the same again, I just felt so sorry for her. The lady who Dr.Phil talked to at the end the one with the children who she would not let out of her sight, Dr. Phil commented, that by her being that way, could also have a somewhat bad affect on her children. She seemed to me to be almost paranoid. But then again, how safe is it for our kids today.

    I think a fellow like this should really consider the chemical castration.

  • Witch Child
    Witch Child

    Having interviewed a predator in depth myself... I am ever vigilant over my kids. They do attend school and i have to let them go to their dad's, but I supervize the heck out of them. I would never leave a child of any age alone in a car for even a moment, no matter what. I do not let them outside without one of a few trusted adults, they are escorted on and off the school bus each day. I wake up several times a night and check all doors and windows and check on the kids. As soon as we have our own place we are getting dogs to help alert us in case of potential intruders.

    I think one can be too careful, but I will do all I can to protect my babies.


  • 68storm

    120% in agreement with TR. Castration does not solve anything. You would have to glue every moving part of their bodies in order for them to be remotely safe!


  • ashitaka

    TR's got the right idea.

    My perscription to cure pedophelia:

    One bullet in the temple, then call me in the morning.


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