Royal Commission....don't worry it will not go away...

by umbertoecho 9 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • umbertoecho

    I need to let you know that here in Australia the Royal Commission is alive and well. People are aware of it and whilst it may not be on the front page of your newspaper, it will end up there at some stage. Although the elders are trying to squirm out of any culpability they are inevitably high jacked by their own arrogant assertions when they start to feel a degree of safety and ease in the questioning.

    Also, they are damned if they do and damned if they don't, where issues of protecting the young are concerned. Such is the research and acquisition of documents bearing their signatures and their almost lemming like addiction to referring to the Awake and Watchtower study articles; that at times it is incredible to those who are sitting or presiding over these proceedings... It sounds insane to the reasonable mind and this is evident in the facial expressions of those who are questioning.

    The ones being questioned are not giving the wonderful "witness" that they are used to bragging about. And it shows. At times, the when there is dryness of their lying mouths, they are not offered water.......this is to let them know that this is not a light hearted chat about theology, it is about wrongful behaviour past and present. The atmosphere is tense.......for the JWs not for the terribly damaged victims....Don't worry people. This will not vaporise into a nothing, something will come out of this and it will be called "justice".

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  • DesirousOfChange

    Being unfamiliar with the laws in Australia, can this Commission impose fines (or other penalties) upon the WTS or the individual Elders?


  • Land of Magog
    Land of Magog
  • truthseeker100

    If I were a member of the governing body I'd be there answering those questions.

    No greater honour could there be! Here I am send me, send me!! is what I would say. LOL

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  • OrphanCrow
    umbertoecho: This will not vaporise into a nothing, something will come out of this and it will be called "justice".


    pssst...Crows have friends all over the world. News can travel pretty fast in crow language. The crows speak in all languages and lands of the world. :wink:

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  • Island Man
    Island Man
    In the video feeds of the commission, I believe the pretty femme blond in the background is working with the JW elders' lawyer. The expressions on her face at various stages tell volumes! LOL.
  • umbertoecho

    Orphan Crow not cow. Yes indeed. Crows come in all sorts of species globally we have a fair amount of really good crows here in Australia.....bearers of doom to the damned in some mythologies.

    Lovely to hear from you.

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  • notsurewheretogo
    All these threads and still no answer to the important question, whatever conclusion the Commission reaches can they actually do anything to the Society to punish/change them?
  • fulltimestudent
    umbertoecho2 hours agoOrphan Crow not cow. Yes indeed. Crows come in all sorts of species globally we have a fair amount of really good crows here in Australia.....bearers of doom to the damned in some mythologies.

    Yeah! In times of drought, Aussie crows peck the eyes out of dying lambs.

    Now (bug grin) as the waters of Babylon dry up, they pick the eyes out of the dying ideology of the witnesses.

  • OrphanCrow
    notsurewheretogo: All these threads and still no answer to the important question, whatever conclusion the Commission reaches can they actually do anything to the Society to punish/change them?

    The WTS will be punished financially. There will be redress. If you listen to the redress speech that Justice McClelland gave months ago, there will be money compensation for victims and that money will be levied against the organizations themselves. This hearing encompasses a large number of organizations and McClelland speaks in the many billions of dollars that ill be needed to address the needs of the victims. He also mentions civil litigation which indicates a supportiive legal system for the victims to seek vindication.

    This is a good punishment for an organization that is 100% money oriented. Hit 'em where it hurts the most: the pocketbook. If you throw them in jail, they will paint themselves as heroes and emerge fom their experience as "the new and so much improved" god's mouthpiece. Martyrs - just like fat ass Rutherford did back when he was convicted for treason. Or they will liken it to being jailed back in WW2 - I have already read one comment from an apologist saying just that.

    Changes in laws will come - if not from the actual proceedings we are watching, but from the society at large. The rest of the country is not going to stand by and let this travesty continue.

    There are world-wide agencies that will be watching this with great interest - don't forget that it was the United Nations (UNICEF)that wrote up DECLARATION OF THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD . This global and very visible coverage exposes the serious infractions of that document right inside of an organization that wants the world to believe that they are the one true religion.

    In one way or another, the punishment will come. There will be retribution in some form and vindication for the victims.

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