This is from Yadirf's website or as some call him friday. I thought from his posts he was a jw???? It would seem he doesn't believe in the 1914 date. THE QUESTION ABOUT 1914 A SOBER THOUGHT After the apostles died Satan succeeded in planting "weeds" in the field where Jesus had planted "wheat." (Mt 13:24-30, 36-43) The weeds turned out to be an imitation form of Christianity, known as Christendom. That there is no mistake in having identified the weeds correctly is proven by the many things that Christendom propagates which are contrary to Biblical truth. Thus, Christendom is very useful to Satan in his controversy with Jehovah -- the reason for which he planted the weeds to begin with. On the other hand, genuine Christianity is contrary to Satan's interests, and it is not Satan's policy to sit idly by and allow such threats to go unchallenged. Big problems set in for Satan during the 19th century when C. T. Russell began what today has become an organization approaching six million true worshipers. Even as Job did not escape Satan's notice, it would be expected that this genuine effort of promoting true worship would not go unnoticed by the enemy of true worship. Upon seeing that Russell and his associates meant business, how would Satan deal with such a formidable threat to his interests? What slyer way could there be to resist and retard the furtherance of true worship than for Satan to capitalize on an opportunity to keep true Christians hung up on their own misconception regarding the year 1914. Although Russell advanced the view that 1914 is a Biblically established date, Satan knew otherwise. It has been related that, to the brothers back then, World War I "appear[ed] to verify" that their 2,520-year calculation had been correct.* Ponder: If the year 1914 had been uneventful might not the brothers have abandoned the idea that "the appointed times of the nations" could be determined from the fourth chapter of Daniel? Indications are that the brothers were tricked. Can we be certain of this? If so, then how? Today the Society considers World War I to have initiated the fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy of Matthew 24:7 or its parallel at Revelation 6:4. For solid reasons that will be given later, World War I and subsequent wars to date have not produced the results required in order to be the fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy. Such being the case, the fact that such a noteworthy war (a world war) remarkably came to pass commencing with the exact year that was thought to mark the end of the appointed times of the nations, furnishes reasons for believing that the first world war was contrived by Satan, a master at deception, so as to fool true Christians and keep them shackled to an erroneous interpretation of the Bible. Certainly, Satan, being "the god of this system," is fully capable of manipulating the nations into conflict in order to make happen that which might easily be misinterpreted, especially if we are notequipped to fully comprehend the breadth of what Jesus meant by "nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom" -- particularly with regards to the results which that specific warfare must produce. Because so many nations were involved in World War I it looked as if it matched what Jesus predicted, but in reality it merely appears to do so. Yes, Satan can produce "lying signs," and it seems that he was all too happy to accommodate us in what we thought could be gleaned from the fourth chapter of Daniel. (2Th 2:9) The fact that Satan has resorted to such drastic measures (world war) in order to deceive and thereby combat the efforts of Jehovah's Witnesses indicates who God's servants really are, as well as just how much of a threat to his own cause Satan deems their work to be. WHAT IT WILL TAKE The warfare that it will take to fulfill Jesus' prophecy can be determined by the effect that it is said to have upon the seventh head of the political beast of Revelation 13. As the account shows, the result is to be nothing less than the death of that head, it having received a "death-stroke." Now there is nobody that understands the state of the dead better than Jehovah's Witnesses! Since death is the cessation of life, this must mean that the seventh head would completely cease to function. As will be enlarged upon later, it can not be successfully argued that World War I resulted in such a death. "EARTHQUAKES"A MISTRANSLATION It seems that no matter which translation of the Bible we might consult, they all represent Jesus as having used the word "earthquakes" with regards to the "sign" his disciples had asked for. (Mt 24:7) Unhappily, even the New World Translation contains this flaw. How is it that translators conclude that Jesus had reference to earthquakes? Is it because the Greek word they are translating is that explicit? No, such is not the case! Is it because they lack insight into what Jesus had in mind? Yes, it is! If Jesus didn't have reference to the earth itself quaking, then what could he have meant? Why don't we turn to Matthew 24:7 in The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures and examine the word that so many translators have mistakenly rendered "earthquakes." We notice that the word in Greek is [seismos]. We should take careful note as to how this word has been rendered underneath the Greek. Yes, the word earth is enclosed in brackets, hence "[earth]quakes." By doing this the acknowledgement was made that the translator added the word "earth" on the assumption that such must have been what Jesus meant. So, while there is no question that Jesus foretold "quakes" there is the question of what exactly was to shake. Rather than just assuming that Jesus had the literal earth in mind we do well to consider the context. Additionally, we must have the right scenario in view, that is, a rounded out picture of things as made possible by the Bible as a whole. And so what does the context reveal? Well, starting with verse seven, had not Jesus spoken of things that are relevant to man's system. Certainly, war, food shortages, and pestilences (Luke's) are all consequences of man's system of self-rule. Therefore, in the context in which Jesus mentioned that there would be shakings (quakes) in one place after another, doesn't reason suggest that his reference was to none other than man's system of self-government. This being the case, rather than alluding to earthquakes, didn't Jesus mean that the foundation of man's worldwide system of self-rule was to undergo a shaking, and, as indicated elsewhere, even to the point of being unable to function. Is such a conclusion corroborated by any other part of the Bible? Yes, it is! As explained earlier, and in agreement with the Society's publications, the death-stroke of the seventh head of the political beast of Revelation 13 is linked to and is the direct result of the warfare which Jesus described in Matthew 24:7. Something that is dead no longer continues to function. This rules out World War l from being what Jesus foretold, because neither Britain or the United States (the two which the Society considers the 7th head to represent) ceased from being able to function as a result of that war.** Indeed, rather than being shut down by the war, the governments of Britain and the United States came out on the winning side. Now that it can be discerned what Jesus actually meant by "quakes" (shakings), we can appreciate the significance of both Mark and Luke -- being more precise than Matthew -- listing this feature first in sequence after the war feature of Jesus' sign, the reason being that such shakings would be the consequence of that specific warfare. Yes, most definitely, Jesus did not mean "earthquakes." -- Mark 13:8; Luke 21:10-11. COUNTING OUR BLESSINGS More than one thing suggests that Jesus' "sign" has not undergone fulfillment and that the year 1914 has no Biblical significance. And so what if we do have to cast aside this "old" concept, one that has been in our "treasure store" of knowledge since the days of Brother Russell. Actually, we can consider it one of our blessings to no longer be shackled to a belief that had no Biblical foundation. This is not to say that we blame Brother Russell for introducing it into our doctrinal structure. No, we could hardly do that, especially since each of us examined and accepted the reasons set forth in support of that understanding. True, if we had our preference we would elect to have had Jesus' sign already fulfilled, because we would be all the closer to the end of man's system and the coming of God's Kingdom. But light continues to increase and we shouldn't continue to be weighed down with the excess baggage of a misconceived idea -- we only set Satan at ease if we believe in a falsehood. We can be up-built by appreciating that ridding our "treasure store" of every mistaken concept not only liberates us from the tricks of Satan, but at the same time nudges us even closer to the realization of God's Kingdom. How so? Because, apparently, such refinement would be in fulfillment of the prophecy of Daniel 11:35, and God's Kingdom is not due to come before that scripture is fulfilled. __________
Yadirf is he a JW?
by emancipated 2 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Yes, he's a JW = Jive-@ss Witless.
Yadirf wouldnt be in good standing if they knew what he is posting and his personal beliefs.