OT: Taken in a stray dog...

by glitter 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • glitter

    It's bonfire night (well it was) and mum saw a skinny mongrel (Alsatian x Labrador x Collie type thing) scared half to death in the street and took him in at least just until the fireworks stopped.

    We've reported him found with the police, and we're keeping him until his owner comes forward but it looks like he's been straying for a very long time - nails all worn down, really bad fleas, bad ears, starving hungry, stinky, all stuff like that. The lost dog police person didn't think it sounded like anyone would be looking for him unless he'd been lost ages.

    He's very friendly, the only problem is he's chased the cats, and now none of them will come in (except one I actually went and picked up and brought upstairs). OK it's only been a few hours, but if they don't get on he'd have to go to the dog warden - and then he'd only have 10 days...

    The youngest two were very very close to our dog that died last year, so they probably don't remember him at all or how nice dogs can be. But he was half the size and very old. The stray wants to play and chase them.

    He comes to his name (we called him Ollie) and we can call him off and tell him to stop and he does as he's told - when he chased the scarediest cat behind an armchair we could get him to leave her alone and stop going to see.

    So has anyone sucessfully introduced a stray or rescued dog into a house with cats?

  • unclebruce

    "So has anyone sucessfully introduced a stray or rescued dog into a house with cats?"

    nope glitter - can't be done!

    unclebruce who only rescues native animals.

  • RubyTuesday

    We used to have a Saint Bernard dog.One day my sister moved in with her little cat named Rocky.Rocky would bully the dog constantly.He would lay in wait and jump on the dogs back and grab her tail every chance he could.This dog was terrified!(Not your avereage dog or cat for that matter)We started calling the dog "scaredy dog" Eventually they became good friends.We have pictures of them snuggled together sleeping.I think anything is possible.Please keep Ollie..give him chance.

  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    That poor dog I think it's great that you two are trying to help.

    My son's, Aunt Billie, no kidding...at one time had 42 cats and 6 dogs. Yes, at the same time. No wonder she lives out in the mountains. She took in every stray, and then some. All those animals learned to get along just fine.

    Even the vet gave her a special reduced rate because all animals got shots, fixed, and anything else that was necessary for maintaining good health. Most of her cats are getting old (14-18 years of age) as she herself is (70) so has cut down on her animal count. It's currently 1 dog (older,that was doomed if not rescued) and 14 or 16 cats. Her oldest cat just died this past summer at age 21. Amazing, just amazing.

    One of my biggest gripes is about people who refuse to neuter/spay their animals Somedays I understand perfectly well why Aunt Billie prefers her animals over people...


  • unclebruce

    rudy tuesday said: "Please keep Ollie..give him chance."

    chance to what? eat the goldfish? poop on the carpet? bite the kiddies? tear gran limb from aching limb? chop ollie up and feed fido to the felions i say! lol .. um .. only joking :(


  • RubyTuesday

    Unclebrute, The cats are the evil ones!!Haven't you seen the movie Cats and Dogs!

    Edited by - rubytuesday on 5 November 2002 22:30:32

  • unclebruce

    bad cats don't kill people, guns kill people! bad pussy's just put you on "ignore"

    unclebruce who ain't afraid a no pussycat

  • els

    Right now I'm dealing with a stray cat. She's a pretty little orange and white tiger, maybe 4 months old. Really sweet. I've been feeding her on the porch but the nights are getting cold so I've been bringing her in. So far she's not getting on so well with Delilah our 16 year old white angora. Dolls (our nickname for Delilah) doesn't seem to mind her but every time she looks at the new one it starts growling. Dolls approached her today and she went straight up the drapes. Hopefully I can get her a spot with Adirondack Save a Stray. They find homes for them instead of putting them to sleep. I'd keep her but I really don't want to start over with a young one. Good luck with Ollie. He sounds like a great dog. els

  • glitter

    His owner came. Apparently he'd only been missing since yesterday - which means he was in that state and had bad fleas *in their house* but they didn't even spray him. Not pleased he had to go. His owner seemed quite friendly just not very smart - but it doesn't take a genius to work a flea spray can does it. Mum explained how he was thin and needed better looking after - the owner really grateful to have him back so hopefully she'll take better care of him from now on...

    Oh and his real name was Ollie too.

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