Australian child abuse enquiry.
by notoneoftheboys 8 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Lies and more lies. A question was asked by the court on having someone in the room for moral support with a minor child or frightened girl when being questioned by the elders over allegations of child abuse. The elders book makes it clear no one else is allowed. Yet the elder being questioned said it was somewhere in the elders book that that in these types of cases they could have another person there for support? I read the elders book did not see this info, am i wrong??? If I am not wrong the shit will hit the fan. -
Marvin Shilmer
Current Watchtower policy would allow someone else in the room (parent or guardian) to accompany a minor during a judicial committee meeting. -
Also a sister is allowed to have her "spiritual head" (husband) present if she wishes.
But an unmarried adult? Nope, no one allowed in for "moral support".
Ali's belief was that 'support' was allowing a young woman's fiancee to be sat outside the room and allowing her to take a break from telling 3 men in their 30s intimate details of how she was abused. Counsel made it clear that they weren't buying the CO's fantasies on changes, and the commissioner directly asked him to give an example of a change which had happened. Of course, he couldn't. He was just sure things must have changed because letters have been sent and his religion is always right and wise and...
Think this commission is cutting past the nonsense and WT reasoning.
Mad Sweeney
Citation for that policy? I thought I was up on all the letters and the Flock book updates and have never seen a policy allowing for a guest in writing. -
Does policy of allowing 'support' to be present differ if the (young) woman (or man) is in the JC to present evidence of having been victimized vs if she is there to confess to her own personal sin??
@Mephis - Thank you for citing Ali's comment about that his idea of support was the same 3 men probing for details allowed the accuser to 'take a break' when she needed.
I was gobsmacked that he would even consider this to be ANY type of 'support'. LOL. A break?? WTF kind of support is that for loving shephards of the flock of god to provide to one who has been violated? A potty break? Seriously? I think the commission was pretty galled to hear that response, too. I wanted to post that comment last night but Ali just kept talking and I just couldn't type and listen closely enough to his follow-up comments.
the girl next door
Marvin. References please? -
The CO who claimed that was making it up as he went along. To be charitable, he's elderly and he's locked into the idea that the WT is on top of child protection issues because their god's institution. To be less charitable, he was full of bluster and bs, and his claims were debunked by counsel and commissioner.
@Aude - I found Ali a perfect example of how men can do terrible things while genuinely believing they were doing the right ones. And all because he turns off his brain and his own conscience when the WT tells him to. The commissioner's questioning and attempts to lead them to a reasonable way of thinking about things is a constant feature so far. Dark humour moment was Ali attempting to gain a shared background with the commissioner by likening himself to a 'judge'. And I sat there and thought which of those two men would I want to be judging me if I was an abuser, and which would I want to be judging the case if I was the one who had been abused. The one who can believe a child but do absolutely nothing about it, or the one who thinks it outrageous to have a young woman sat alone in such a meeting.
Mephis - "Dark humour moment was Ali attempting to gain a shared background with the commissioner by likening himself to a 'judge'."
I'd classify that as more "epic facepalm moment".