Practical Change in the Org - How?

by metatron 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Moral reform of the organization is nearly impossible because of the stubborn,
    and cold hearted men who wield power. Pleading, protesting, and threatening have
    largely failed - or simply resulted in those identified being dsifellowshipped.

    If you are an elder or circuit overseer, there is likely nothing you can do,
    other than quit and get out yourself.

    The only exception to this sad situation would involve 'brinksmanship' by
    brothers powerful enough to overthrow the Pharisees in charge. They could be
    charged with serious sins ( you have your pick!) and quickly disfellowshipped.
    After that, they would be threatened with physical expulsion if they protest their

    In addition to this, the Society can be 'reformed' by careful leaks to the media
    in cases where legal liability is involved. If you have hard, internal evidence about
    the blood issue - or child molesting - or bribery, fraud, illegal currency transactions,
    or other lesser issues, these can be used to 'hang' certain individuals or force policy

    I continue to hold that the blood issue is a ticking bomb that could go off at any
    moment. They have to get away from it at warp speed because the person with the right
    documents/evidence could create a disaster that dwarfs their child molestation concerns
    by comparison.

    If you are a Bethel lurker, you should face yourself in the mirror and ask why you are
    supporting such a corrupt organization and doing nothing about it. Bible history clearly
    shows that God used men like John the Baptist, Amos, Micah, Elijah, Jehu, Jeremiah
    and Jesus himself to take action against corrupt leaders - and risk being called 'disloyal'
    in the process. "Waiting on Jehovah" has become synonymous with "shut up and do nothing,
    while we run the organization into the ground". Change is long overdue.


  • Dismembered

    Hi metatron

    Another fine post! I agree 100%. Thanks

  • twain30

    I think there's an entire faction of elders and brothers in position who have very serious doubts such as questioning the blood isue, certain prophetic dates, the political heirarchy, etc. Quite a few believe the Society goes beyond the things written. The organization at present is stagnating because of this. Many are going through the motions, something like a charade.

  • metatron

    I agree - there are many burned out elders thruout the organization, just going thru the motions.
    It's fairly typical to have 3-4 elders do all the work while the rest take the title
    and pretend.

    I don't understand how they can deal with the emotional drain of it all - knowing that
    nothing you do matters or has much effect, while putting up with demanding circuit overseers.
    How much approval from your family do you need to waste years of your life in meetings
    that go no where? I can only theorize that many of these guys are so drained, they it
    doesn't bother them anymore. If you have no hobbies or outside creative interests, maybe
    you can tolerate this lifestyle.


  • jack2

    Met, when I was an elder, it was just like you said.....there was little time for pursuit of any interests outside of the .org. Eventually, that, coupled with many other factors, led to a great degree of frustration and dissatisfaction for me personally. I would guess it's that way for many other elders.

  • Buster

    I think the JWs are made up primarily of two groups: (1) those that want to be told what is black and white, and (2) those that want to do the telling. Put these two groups together in the context of a doomsday set of teaching and you have the Witnesses.

    As discussed in an earlier thread, the key doctrine of the dubs has nothing to do with any scripture. the key teaching is that the Truth is what the GB says it is - today (Not what they said yesterday, and not what they may say tomorrow).

    Nothing else matters. As long there is a supply of emotionally weak people that need to be told right and wrong, then there will always be a supply of emotioanlly weak people that need to tell others what is right and wrong.

    In spite of all our wishes, the WTS is enourmously successful. It has had a mix of leadership that was ideal for getting them through thru various stages of growth - and that is why they stand out today. Moral issues aside for the moment, as an organization, I don't think have all that much of a need for fundamental change.

    As far as individuals, the WTS could care less. They can change direction (new light) and they will lose some. But to them it is no more worrisome than just so much rubber off the tire.

  • blondie

    I think of the WTS as a many-headed hydra, and as soon as one head is cut off or dies, another grows up in its place.

    Many of those in charge know what is happening is wrong but do nothing. They are afraid of losing their place just like the Pharisees. The Pharisees were willing to put the Son of God to death. What are a few rebellers inside and/or outside the organization?

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    A really nasty Flu season at Patterson would probably help quite a bit.

  • Mary

    I hear 3 people in New York have the Bubonic Plague...............maybe they should be transferred to Patterson.......

  • Grunt

    One good thing seems to be that the latest "get tough" talks, videos and such don't seem to be making that much difference. Since the change in "This Generation" and the lack of a real timetable for the END the older bunch have just settled into enjoying the social aspect of it. They have a lot of time invested and a lot of friends and family in so they still hold on. The younger bunch has never been fired up, they too have friends and family in and it is just easier to be attached than to make the break and walk away. Almost all of the younger ones I know just aren't into it. Happily as soon as the old Sumbitches in Patterson die off I think this bloody little cult will become much blander and kinder and then disappear. I hope so. There should be some trial and jail time served, but all in all their disappearing would salve my anger. I hope they die in the full knowledge of just how wrong they have been, though dying while drooling is ok too. The main thing is that they are all dying and soon.


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