This last weekend I was doing some yard work to get the place ready for the winter-time. I was racking up some leaves and getting a little weeding done. All of which left kind of a big mess of dirt on the walk way and the rest of the cement. I was so tired from working on this all day, the last thing I felt like doing at that moment was having to clean up this dirt all over the place. I looked up to the sky and wondered, "when will it rain, and maybe that will wash this all away." I think we all do that in life at times. We get into a mess or a problem and we wish so much that someone would come along and fight the battle for us, or clean things up to the point that life becomes normal again. I can not number how many times since leaving the Witnesses that I would have liked to have stepped out of life for awhile and let someone else clean up the mess or to deal with the things that came up. I am sure we all could think of situations this would apply to, as life throws a few our way at times. It might be the family pressures to come back, or the problems with dealing with fellow work mates who remain Witnesses and are around us. When these first started to happen to my wife and I, we were thinking "oh great, looks like someone wants a little of attention." After all the problem was often something others brought to us, and not problems we brought out on our own. Yet, much like racking the fall-time mess from my yard and making the changes to my life, I realize that we often make a mess while we try to fix another. I realize that in order to get one done, it must at times cause the other. Yet the other is often easier then the original to deal with. We have to sometimes move trash to find more, and in the end the result will be the same. A cleaner yard and a cleaner life, yet all of them will result in a sore back or something else. As long as we did the work ourselves and went after the problem and cleaned up the mess, and did not let the leaves continue to pile for someone else. So when I looked to the sky this last weekend and realized that blue skies do not always bring rain. I realized that the only way to truly get this situation fixed, was to do the work myself and get the dirt off the cement and the yard back to the look I wanted and expected. So much is like this in life, we have the messes and we have the clean-up and we have to remember that no mess really cleans itself up without us. Yet, in all of this. I can not ignore the fact, that my question was answered, "when will it rain?" As it rained yesterday and cleaned the little bits I did not see, or the things I thought would be fine where they lay. Thus rain became like my friends, and showed up to finish the fine details or notice the things I just ran out of energy on. The friend finished up with the little extra support I needed, and maybe didn't even realize was on its way. So the question, "when will it rain?" Perhaps the better question would be, "Should we really look for the rain, or start to learn the true joy of the sunny weather?" My thought Dragon
Edited by - kenpodragon on 7 November 2002 14:17:50