Scenes You Seldom See

by ozziepost 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    Under the title "Scenes You Seldom See", the current issue of Britain's "Private Eye" (a satirical journal) features a cartoon on page 27 depicting a black man and woman calling at the home of a white man offering copies of "The Watchtower".

    The caption shows the householder's words:

    "Oh, hi! Come on in. I've often thought about being a Jehovah's Witness"

    It's a moot point, isn't it? How often do you still see householders appreciately receiving visits from Dubs? How often do you hear expressions such as "I know you're doing a Christian work.....", "You're doing a fine work", etc

    Revelations in the media about the impact of the WTS on people's lives doesn't seem to have soaked through to the population at large........or has it?

    Just some musings on a sunny late-Spring morning in Oz.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Sentinel

    Hi Ozzie,

    Actually, I used to hear the phrase, "come are doing a fine Christian work" quite a lot when I was an active JDub, trotting about hither and thither, doing my Borg duty with a smile on my face and a confident posture.

    A free bible study sounds appealing to lots of folks, and we did know our bible so well, didn't we? More than the average householder, that's for sure. And we have the answers to most of their questions right at our fingertips. And, they were curious about that, and wondered if just perhaps our message might be what they are looking for.

    People are kind and accepting until they figure out what the catch is. They might study for a brief time, take some literature, and then make a decision. Then things got cold and distant. Return visits were rejected, and they don't usually answer the door to you again.

    Of course, there were a few who actually studied with me and went the full course to baptism, and are still hanging on. (I have to live with that. )

  • freedom96

    I don't think people wanted to see us at all. Bothering them bright and early in the mornings.

    How many times did we knock, and they answered the door, and you smelled Sunday morning breakfast, of bacon, pancakes, etc. The last thing they wanted to see was us.

    Oh sure, there were a very few amount, who were gracious and didn't slam the door in our face, but I tend to think they just were really nice people anyways, and didn't really matter who it was they came in contact with.

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