I cant seem to look at previous posts, the old system, refer to the previous page ! doesn't work here .

by smiddy 6 Replies latest forum tech-support

  • smiddy

    I know we have teething problems Simon , but is it me ? am I doing something wrong ? or is it a bug that needs to be ironed out.

    The old system I could navigate through and view any previous post I had , and also view the latest posts and go back on previous posts that I dont seem to be able to do today .

    At the moment it just seems like pot luck with whatever page I`m  on.


  • Xanthippe
    Click on your name at top of page and you will get a page with how many posts you have made and how many topics you have started. Click on posts to see all your previous ones.
  • KateWild

    I can look at all my previous posts just as Xant said it works for me.

    How did you get on Smiddy?

    Kate xx

  • Simon

    Let me know if you are still having trouble or if the explanations above have sorted things out for you. Right now you can see your posts or topics you've started, soon you'll be able to see things by topic you have participated in (really just the topic summaries for the post listing without the detail of each post).

    Posts you've made

    Topics you've started

    The easiest way to get to those is to click your name in the top-right and they should be under your name / joined date.

    I'm going to create a more personalized dashboard which will show what should be the things you're most likely interested in:

    • Topics that you have started that have been updated most recently
    • Topics that you have participated in that have been updated most recently
    • Topics that you have favourited / marked to watch (even if you haven't posted)
    • Topics that are highly rated / busy that you may be interested in

    For the last one, it will plug in to the "likes" votes as well as taking post counts into account. When it gets more sophisticated it can also look at your favourite / watch list similar to how Netflix works - "people who liked ABC also liked XYZ so you will probably like this too".

    Hopefully the end result will be more useful things presented to you instead of you having to go searching for them quite so much.

    There are also more filtering options planned so it's not limited to prev / next through your entire list of posts i.e. show me posts from 2010-2011 in the Politics section ...

  • Simon
    BTW: If you mean old bookmarked links, they should automatically redirect to the corresponding page on the new site - if you have links that aren't doing that please PM me and I'll look into it.
  • smiddy

    OK guys ,I finally figured it out , thanks for your help. As my son often says in jest ? 

    Old farts shouldnt have a computer .


  • Simon
    Care to share in case anyone else is having the same issue?

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