I was eating breakfast this morning when I heard a knock on the door. I went to answer it and it was an old guy that I used to know. He didn't recognize me (I have a goatee now) and he handed me the "Do you want to know more about the bible?" tract and asked me if I would like to know more about the bible? I handed it back to him and said "No, I already know enough not to believe in it." and walked back inside. I did think it unusual that he was by himself and wasn't working with anybody else this morning. I saw where he was parked and there was no one else riding with him either.
I would have argued with him more or had some fun this guy was always fairly nice and VERY long winded. What would be a normal 2 sentance answer at the WT study would turn into something 5 minutes long. I still remember one time he said the prayer at a Sunday meeting and he went off some tangent thanking dad for grass and how wonderful chlorophyl (I think that's how you spell it) is and how lucky we were that dad made it. Having to listen to this old man go on and on about anything again is something I gave up on when I stopped going to meetings and wasn't about to have to endure it again.