Greetings all:
Its a pleasure to report on the success of the book, "Wolves Among Sheep" by former JW James Kostelniuk.
For those who have not seen a review of the book, the true account of the cold-blooded murder of Kostelniuk's exwife and his two beautiful children, by her second husband, a JW, see Beacon website:
The story, with editorial contribution by Jim Penton, was finally published by Harper-Collins in Canada this past year and it is now nominated for two literary awards: The Eileen McTavish First Book Award and the McNally Robinson Best Book of the Year award. Twelve awards in different categories will be handed out at The Forks in Winnipeg on April 28.
Harper-Collins is preparing to promote "Wolves Among Sheep" in the US, UK and several European countries. A 10,000 run paper-back edition will be released in Canada in August. And now, the beginning of the development of a screenplay.
"Wolves Among Sheep" may prove to be one of the most visible exposes at this time of potential tragedies that can result from Watchtower flawed policies and inept leadership, as well as a lesson in blind adherance to any extremist dogma.