The day I realized faith wouldn't pay the bills

by zenpunk 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • zenpunk

    I was flying back from Indiana today, another stressed-filled factory installation - it was goregous and I was pondering as I stared out the window at the earth passing by. And I was thinking about what I used to tell the other sisters when I was a regular pioneer when they asked me how I felt about higher education.

    I would say, "Where would you rather be when armageddon came - out in field service or sitting in some dingy college classroom". I really believed that at the age of 18.

    And then I would go scrub toilets in office buildings in the middle of the night to put gas in the car while my mind stagnated. And then one day it hit me. I had made a big mistake.

    In May of 2003 I graduate with my B.S.

  • MegaDude

    Mega congrats.

    You know, the light does get brighter.....for those who leave the Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • out4good3

    That was one hell of an ephiphany you had there.....very profound.

    I had the same thing happen to myself 10 years ago.

  • PurpleV
    And then one day it hit me. I had made a big mistake

    And you learned from yours. Congratulations to you!

    I for one decided I'd rather be dead and nothing than continue to go out in field service. Fortunately, as time went on I figured out one had nothing to do with the other. Now I have a good life.

  • freeman

    Great news Zen! You have made a wise d ecision to invest in yourself; best of luck.


  • COMF

    Yessss! High five to ya, sis! (I assume it's sis, based on your words, "the other sisters...") Be sure to let us know when graduation day rolls around, so we can toast you.

    COMF - 1993 graduate at age 40.

  • benext

    Congratulations! Living well is the best revenge.

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