Is it Fair Play?What I am asking is about Fairness and Honor concerning God's actions toward Physical Fleshly Humans and His actions toward Spirit Creatures.First His actions toward Spirit Creatures.They get to see God.They get to live without growing old and dying.They have no worries about losing loved ones in death.Im speaking about those Spirit Creatures who do not go along with those who have rejected God.Now, God's actions toward those Physical Fleshly Creatures.That is those that like the Spirit Creatures who do not go along with those who rejected God.They dont get to see God.They don't get to live without growing old and dying.They have worries about losing loved ones in death.Is this Fair Play?Both Creatures who have not rejected God get different treatment . There is more, but ,this will do for now. Your thoughts on this question will be very much appreciated Blueblades
Fair Play
by Blueblades 4 Replies latest jw friends
Nathan Natas
On the other hand, WE are real and capable of productive, beneficial and beautiful works, unlike the creatures of our imaginations.
It's more than fair.
Edited by - Nathan Natas on 9 November 2002 19:58:17
A friend of mine once worked in a children's psychiatric hospital. One of the patients, a young girl named Charlene, was known for repeatedly saying, "That's not fair!" One of the nursing attendants had a stock reply: "What is fair, Charlene?"
Human beings with a great deal of power rarely prioritize fairness. Maybe non-human beings with power are just the same. It doesn't matter.
Empower yourself. Forget about whether the SkyDaddy is fair. Take your lemons, and start making lemonade.
Personally, I think there is a "next" level of being after this one. And another after that. And another. And another and so on throughout the cosmic economy. And in the end of this continuing evolutionary process, we stand before the Creator, the Grand Absolute Reality, far, far higher than angels: we - the perfected spirits of evolutionary origin - and those created perfect, the perfected and the perfect. And God only knows what our futures will be after that great accomplishment.
We, I believe, are on the bottom rung of an almost infinitely long evolutionary ladder, at the top of which is our ultimate destiny. Evolution doesn't stop with this puny life here. We just keep on keepin' on. It's a grand cosmic career if you stop and think about it. And you know what else? There ain't a Jehovah's Witness in sight - and no Jehovah either.
It would maybe be possible to see fair play if 'god' was not something cobbled together from summarian/babylonian/egyptian mythology by a magician/murderer called moses, so that he could become the leader of his people.
Beleiving in god brings no reward, but as moses proved, inventing a god, brings leadership of the people on oneself and preisthood/tithes/honour on ones family.
If god exists then the people who profess to believe in god would be ' godly', history shows that 'religious' people have caused more death/pain/suffering than anyone/anything else.
I base my judgement of god on the actions of 'gods representatives' so far I have seen nothing that shows god to be anything other than a tool for people to use against their fellows.