Royal commission us caeser so wt must comply with those rules they tell rank an file to follow. There was an article why report what is bad this articled required christians to become arm of the state so here we are at crossroads the suspence is great who will win ? Will jc be put out of business since there is no scriptual basis for 3 men to judge another human in christian cong . Will they follow scriptures an not anounce a persons name from platform which has no scriptual basis.
Caeser to caeser
by poopie 2 Replies latest jw friends
They'll likely continue doing what they want until a Country takes away their tax status. Then they’ll cry persecution because they constantly fail to do what's right on their own. -
"Paying back Caesar's things to Caesar" is persecution?
Strange that Satan's World does a better job giving victims justice than God's Earthly Organization.