Looking for some Easy ttatt ideas

by Crazyguy 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Crazyguy
    I was hoping to share maybe a scripture or two with my kids where they could see the obvious problems with the jw doctrine, any ideas?
  • Splash

    The New Scrolls is pretty simple - Rev 20:12.

    Point out a WT article that comments on these 'new' scrolls being the source of new instructions in the new system, then read Revelation to see it's actually referring to scrolls of judgement.

    Ask them why WT consistently call them New scrolls when that term doesn't even exist in the verse.

  • Bobcat

    I had a thread on 1914 using Acts 17:30, 31 - here.

    Regarding the supposed "new" scrolls of Rev 20:12, you might have a look at John 12:47, 48 and Rom 2:14-16. Both passages refer to what people would be judged on during "that day." In contrast, the WT consistently describes the scrolls of Rev 20:12 as something that will be new then. To me it says something about their lack of understanding of the good news. (Your mileage may vary.)


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