Comment from an Idolator

by Scorpion 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scorpion
  • Scorpion
  • Scorpion

    Bringing this back to the top. I have been attacked by the Bible Students for posting this here and on a few other sites.

    I have been called Nazi pig by the administrator of the Present Truth Forum for exposing Russell and his lies about the end as well as a few other rediculous things Russell said and taught.

    The Bible Students are in as much a mindset about their faith as the Jehovah's Witnesses are.

  • Scorpion

    The board administrator has edited the original post. Shows how much a lier he is. BTW, his name is Regan Balman.

  • TR


    "The Present Truth Forum?" HA! That figures. I wonder how often Regan's "present truth" changes. Also, what about past truth? Are you sure that isn't a JW site?


  • Scorpion


    Regan has been editing peoples posts as well as deleting them. He cannot stand controversy as you well know when he was on your forum a few years back. He also cannot stand the fact that I know where he hangs out as well as the occasional JW that will post on his forum. I will remain forever a pain in his lieing Russell worshipping side.

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