God's Only Channel? The Bible Says No!

by metatron 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • metatron

    Suppose, for a moment, we ignore all the misdeeds of the Watchtower
    Society (quite an achievement in itself!) and simply examine its
    claim: that God has only one earthly channel (them, of course).

    Such a claim is blatantly unscriptural - why?

    Well, who does the Bible call "God's minister" on earth today?

    Answer: the GOVERNMENTS! (Romans 13:4)

    In Romans 13, Paul plainly shows that God WORKS WITH GOVERNMENTS
    for the moral betterment of human society. (vs.4), not just building
    roads or running the local fire dept.

    Consider please, the GREATEST (and successful) MORAL REVOLUTION
    in my lifetime - Civil Rights! The groundwork was laid a hundred
    years ago by the Civil War which ended slavery. Not only American
    minorities benefited by the enormous sacrifices in pushing equality
    forward - the end of apartheid was directly effected by this
    government led movement.

    How about rights for women? the disabled? children? How about
    Social Security?

    And finally.....

    How about the governments' SUPERIOR MORAL STANDARDS as manifest
    by Witnesses going to 'Caesar' for protection against child molesters
    within the organization?

    If I am asked, "do you believe the 'faithful slave' is the only
    channel God is using today", I reply (truthfully)"I believe in
    everything the Bible says on the matter".


  • yucca

    you are so right. thats why they have to say satan is god of this world. they twist scriptures to apply them to themselves to get their own way. like spoiled brats.

  • derrickb007

    makes sense to me. Rom. 13:1 says "for there is no authority except by God; the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God".

    It doesn't say the Society stands placed by god as they claim.

  • fjtoth

    Great point!

  • Dia

    I love it when a dose of insight passes over someone on this board and you share it with us. We all benefit.

  • jack2

    Perhaps indeed God uses various wasys to educate and benefit people, rather than channeling all things through one select group.

  • Preston

    The governments of the world in a collective sense? I mean, if God was speaking through Saudi Arabia, or Iran, or China...then it would dicatate that God holds conflicting ideologies. Is God's view of health care the same in Sweden, as it is in the United States....

  • metatron

    It's the trend of history. I agree that individual governments can go 'demonic'
    in character - however, it is shocking to see "Christian" people fail to acknowledge
    self- sacrifice by human society in the cause of justice and ethics.
    Civil rights involved heroism and truly 'turning the other cheek'.


  • Carmel

    Great post. For the reasons you postulate and others, America, in spite of all its shortcomings, is leading and will lead the world spiritually. Probably will have to suffer a great deal in the process, but rest assured, it is where the free can assemble and the masses can proclaim.



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