I just watched an episode of The Practice
involving a a woman lawyer who was from a JW family. It was a re-run from a year ago I believe.
The woman lawyer had some kind of medical problem and was in a coma expecting to die. The medical consensus was she needed a blood transfusion. Her JW parents made the decision for her to refuse a transfusion. This made me think of my own situation. I believe if I somehow were in a coma my JW family who decide for me to refuse a transfusion. This they would do knowing full well , us having discussed it, I no longer believe in the blood prohibition policy. I have to have a talk with them about this.
The lawyer friend of the sick woman took the case to court to compel the transfusion. The case was made that the sick woman was not really a JW. And even if she was she did not believe all its tenets. She did not believe homosexuality was a sin or extramarital sex, She saluted the flag. She had a abortion, etc. It therefore was argued it could not be certain she would for herself refuse a transfusion. Despite the strength of the case the transfusion was ordered.
The way it went off was strange and I do not know whether there is a second part. In any respect it really made me think.