AUSTRALIA | Day 1 - Child Abuse Royal Commission - Documents

by jwleaks 3 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • jwleaks

    Documents relating to the Child Abuse Royal Commission into Jehovah's Witnesses - Direct Download

    DAY 1 - 27 July 2015

    Opening Statement by counsel assisting the Royal Commission - This document contains all the facts and figures

    Witness List - This document lists the scope of each witness testimony

    Witness Statement of BCB (child abuse victim)

    Witness Statement of Elder Max Horley



  • oppostate

    Excellent, JWL! With this information in the public record it will be harder for two faced Tony the Turd to claim these abusive practices are just lies. The truth about the truth is out there.

  • TheListener
    What can the Commission do to the witness organization or individuals as a result of the information they gain?
  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Just some comments on the Opening Statements;

    9 - The Jehovah’s Witness Church was founded towards the end of the 19th century in Pennsylvania by a small group of bible students led by Charles Taze Russell. (Nope - Mr. Rutherford founded J.W.'s in 1931)

    16 - A circuit overseer travels weekly to different congregations in his circuit and is responsible for...ensuring that each congregation is complying with all theocratic direction given by the Governing Body. (each K.H. "charity" is therefore not independent!)

    37 - Jehovah's Witnesses view evangelizing as a personal responsibility and the extent to which they engage in this activity is a personal decision that they make as an expression of their love for God. (Personal? Nope - it has to be notified and recorded, otherwise action is taken)

    39 - Documents will be tendered which show that Jehovah’s Witnesses are counselled to demonstrate submission to Christ’s headship by obedience to the Elders who are taken to be controlled by God for the purposes of accomplishing Jehovah’s will. Mr O’Brien will give evidence that Jehovah’s Witnesses accept the divine standard that "the head of every man is the Christ, in turn the head of a woman is the man". (Nope - there's no mention of elders in the headship arrangement)

    40 - Mr O’Brien will testify that the Governing Body is not involved in the administration and implementation of child sexual abuse policies and procedures in Branch Offices of the Jehovah’s Witness Church. (No??????? See No. 41)

    41 - From at the least the 1990s, the Australia Branch Office has, with guidance from the Governing Body, periodically issued directives in the form of letters addressed to All Bodies of Elders providing instruction on how to respond to allegations of child sexual abuse. (????? Contradiction. See No. 40!!)

    42 - Ditto!

    44 - Ditto!

    45b - Ditto!

    47 - .....the Jehovah’s Witness Church considers that it is only authorised to address child sexual abuse in accordance with Scriptural direction. (thereby ignoring Rom. 13:1 & the principle at Prov. 29:24)

    50 - Jehovah’s Witnesses are taught from the Bible that they have a personal responsibility to report wrongdoing to Elders, if the wrongdoer does not voluntarily come forward. (Nope - Jesus didn't mention anything about elders having to get involved! Matthew18:15-17)

    51 - The Legal Department is instructed to refer the Elders to the Service Department for Scriptural direction on theocratic or judicial aspects of the case. (So much for the training which elders have previously been given - No. 46)

    Would Mr. O'Brien (at No. 40) be classed as a perjurer, or just an idiot?

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