Hemp products

by simplesally 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • simplesally

    Anybody ever eat hemp products or cook with hemp oil? I was researching normal recipes and one topic was "Hemp" so I had to click on it and see if it was a joke. It wasn't!

    What other products are made with hemp, besides rope, of course.

  • kenpodragon

    I own a hemp shirt, and hemp rope. I think they are awesome and laugh when people hear the name hemp and think "oh god, it's just the gateway drug." There is so many things it can be used for.

    My thought


  • riz

    hi sally

    a friend of mine bought a bag of roasted hemp seeds and i tried them. they taste like what i would imagine ass would taste like. two thumbs down.


  • Trauma_Hound

    If only people realized that the constitution of the United States was written on hemp paper. It's pretty sad we have to import industrial hemp, in order to produce hemp products, yet it's illegal to grow. By industrial hemp I mean, the stuff that won't get you high, well maybe, if you could smoke an entire field of it, all at once.

    Edited by - Trauma_Hound on 11 November 2002 2:14:59

  • bigfloppydog

    There is also hemp, which is an oil that you can burn to put fragrance throughtout your house, it really does have a very nice scent to it.

  • orangefatcat

    I like the female plant myself and it smokes well you know fantastically.

    Love the Orangefatcat

  • Michael3000

    Right on, Orangefatcat!

    The US got a bug up its butt about hemp so many years ago - yet industrial hemp is NOT the same stuff that people smoke. The THC level in industrial hemp is marginal - you'd have to smoke a truckload of it to even get a buzz.

  • Valis

    My friends just started this business...good stuff


    District Overbeer

  • target

    on our web site where we sell baby products we have hemp diapers.


  • lauralisa

    Hi Simple Sally

    I've got a bunch of hemp clothes - they are better than cotton-

    Some hemp Lip Gloss (no I am NOT kidding!)

    Hemp candles, baskets, and probably some rope...

    There is no justifiable reason why hemp (the can't get you high kind) is not a major product in this country. It's very eco-friendly.

    I also love the other kind of "hemp"..... passes one on over to orangefatcat and michael3000 and of course, district overbeer. It is the perfect medicine for what ails you.


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