Just thought I would relate a conversation I was having with a some what of a wishey washey JW. First of all I was sitting having breakfast this morning listening to the trial highlights provided by Barbra Anderson. I could just feel my blood boiling ( this was also combined that I was also feeling rather lousy from a cold). So I phoned my semi active JW friend and here is how the conversation went.
joe134cd- hey xyz I believe there may be a very serious problem with the way in which child abuse was handled in the JW community. I will leave it there.
xyz= joe134cd I very much doubt that and you really shouldn't be listening to those religious channels.
Joe134cd= xyz this ain't from a religious channel this is from an investigation by the Australian government that has those in the organisation testifying in it. Here see for yourself.
End of conversation. Although I didn't want to push the subject and just left it at that, I think I have certainly given him food for thought. This is the first time in a face to face conversation with someone that I have ever directly pointed to it and it was an absolutely amazing feeling to finally be able to release it. What a huge sense of relief I felt.