Child abuse

by scary21 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • scary21

    I have been reading all the posts on this, and watched all the proceedings. It is very shocking and the JW elders look really bad. That being said, if the secular authorities made mandatory reporting everywhere across the board, would that not close the JW stupid loophole ? Why is this not the case ? Is it the same for murder, some places you must report it and other places you don't have to ? How can they be held to account if there is no law against it? Are the law makers at fault here too by not making it a law everywhere ?

    And that is just what it is, a loophole the JW's can get around. Without that law we know they would NEVER report..They don't care what is morally right . I hope everyone can see that now. The moral thing to do has no factor for them.

  • Vidiot

    And when mandatory reporting becomes the law, and they do begin reporting, just how many offender-free congregations will there be?

    And how many "qualified brothers" will remain to keep said congregations functioning?

  • freemindfade
    yes, the org does not want that loophole closed though. It keeps them in the liability clear, and the shame clear.
  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    They'll try to find a way around any law they don't want to obey. Do you really think they report all allegations of pedos even in mandatory reporting states now? Of course they don't.

  • cappytan
    My question is, why does Jehovah's spirit directed organization need Satan's system to write a law that requires them to do what was already the right thing to begin with?
  • sir82

    The moral thing to do has no factor for them.

    JWs frequently change the meanings of words to set their doctrine and/or policies.

    There are dozens of examples, but this is one of them.

    To a JW, "moral" means "sexually chaste", and "immoral" means "engaging in sexual intercourse outside of heterosexual marriage".

    Exclusively. Period. No other meaning is conceivable.

    The broader meaning of the word, referring to ethics, uprightness, goodness, compassion, etc. is utterly lost on them.

    The world is far far FAR more moral than centuries, or even decades, ago. Slavery is outlawed, discrimination is outlawed, crime is decreasing, people are more tolerant, etc.

    Oh, but more people have sex outside of marriage nowadays, too.

    Therefore, from the JW perspective, the world is a cesspool of immorality and is getting worse all the time.

    So if you tell a JW "it is immoral not to report child abuse to the authorities", they will look at you quizzically as they try to figure what "not telling the authorities" has to do with "premarital sex".

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