"Or maybe it isn't coming"

by RR 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • RR

    I'm "cleaning house" got a lot of stuff that's just needs to go! But I came across this newspaper clipping:

    Or Maybe it isn't coming

    SEOUL - For months, thousands of believers proclaiming the "rapture is Coming" stood on street corners and predicted the end of teh world. They quit jobs, school and sold everything to prepare to ascend to heaven.

    But early today, 15 minutes after the midnight deadline passed, worshipers were told heaven could wait.

    "Nothing has happened." said Rev. Chang Man Ho of Seoul's largest doomsday church, the mission for the Coming days. "sorry. Let's go home."

    Hey, at least he apologized!


  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    See, it's not that hard, is it? A simple apology goes a long way.

  • JH

    The Watchtower should have excused itself seven fold for all there mistakes. I guess they are not humble enough.

  • PurpleV
    The Watchtower should have excused itself seven fold for all there mistakes. I guess they are not humble enough.

    No, no, no! We've NEVER EVER made a mistake. It's all the rank and file's fault for misunderstanding what was implied!

    And, and... um... don't forget, we're TACKING into the wind! So reversing ourselves makes PERFECT sense!

    Just because we advised on selling your home and full-time ministry in the early 70's, didn't mean we, umm... said we were POSITIVE the Big A was coming in 1975. If you lost your shirt and now have no retirement plan or education, that's your own fault!

    Sheesh! You obviously have too much time on your hands if you have doubted The Organization! Get thee out in service more, and study harder!!

    --GB of the "We're Never Wrong" Class

  • Iwasyoungonce

    Maybe it already came.

    Maybe death is as good as it gets. Does it really have to be worse? Or maybe I mean does it have to be better?

    People worry to much.

  • Pistoff

    I really think that if the "society" had just said we made a big mistake, and we are sorry, that the majority would have forgiven them.

    I think that right now, if they up and said, you know what, we should all forget time, prophecy and just focus on being a close knit brotherhood, taking care of our elderly and our children, build a legacy of charitable works, take on an issue or two, that the majority of the brotherhood would breathe a collective sigh of relief, and get to work. We could have sports for the kids, programs for married couples, organized activities for older ones; in other words, be a real spiritual fellowship.

    It could be a good place to gather, but of course it is NOT. They are all so hung up on being God's mouthpiece, and of course they are so ridiculously NOT that. Really, it could be ok; take on the issue of child abuse, appropriate since they have made so many criminal missteps. Or hunger; how much could 6 million motivated people do to actually change a few things in the world, YOU KNOW, actually put into practice some principles that they profess to have????

  • garybuss

    We had the right date but the wrong event. Check back in 30 years or so and we'll tell you what the right event was.

    Or like Marion and the Seekers did. God spared the world because of the faith of the believers. Powerful stuff!

    Or maybe there was a space ship behind the comet. Maybe it was invisible. . . . like god's kingdom . . . kinda.


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