The "Lord Jesus" Descends Again?

by runForever 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • runForever

    This is a chart I created that charts the use of the term "Lord Jesus" in the watchtower magazine.

    Interesting to note that the term only broke the 60 count 4 times and those were close intervals of 7 years with the last count above 60 being an 8 year interval.

  • kaik
    When I was associated with JW and WT, I have barely knew anything about Jesus. JWs lacking deep knowledge of Jesus Christ, and they do not see him as a Savior as do other Christian denomination. Jesus in WT theology is moderator to the 144,000 whose number in my time in JW was around 8500, for the rest the salvation lies with the tit of the WT. Jehovah witnesses are often not even aware what Jesus had said and what order, and their entire system revolves on several selected chapters of the NT with his invisible return. So it does not surprises me to see this number chart.
  • prologos

    It looks like there is turbulence in them there clouds,-- wt (symbols of invisibility)

    Turbulence usually caused by rising 'Hot Air' that the descends as old light. 

    It looks like the racings in a barograph that somebody might carry as she disappears from sight in the skies. 

  • smiddy

    Jehovah`s Witnesses are exactly what they claim to be ,...... witnesses of Jehovah .

    Jehovah`s Witnesses  , are  not witnesses of Jesus Christ . By their own definition .

    Nowhere in the Christian Greek Scriptures { New Testament } are followers of Jesus Christ are told , commanded , encouraged , admonished , in any shape or form , to bear witness or be a witness to Jehovah .

    However their are close to thirty scriptures that either exult the name of Jesus above every other name , or encourage, and  make known. and bear witness to Jesus the Messiah .


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  • cofty
    Good work. Thanks

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