Are there more or less?

by eyeslice 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • eyeslice

    Are there now more ex-jws than current jws?

    Rumour has it that this years World Wide Report will show a slight increase in the countries where there has been, over the past few years, either a zero or a negative rate of increase. My guess would be USA, Australia and UK will show a 1% increase.

    This can be almost entirely attributed to the new 15 minutes a month rule and the fact that the Group Study Overseer (new pretentious title - no longer a humble Book Study Conductor) is responsible for rounding up all the reports for his group.

    However, the big problem will be the numbers getting baptized. Again, just a prediction, but I would bet that they will be significantly down in the main English speaking countries that are the traditional strong hold of the organization.

    So the question is, with the so-called increase only being the odd few ones being re-activated and the new ones being baptised consisting almost entirely of kids who have been brought up in the organization, have we reached the point where there are more ex-jws than currently active ones?

    I sat down the other day and thought of all the ones I know who have drifted away, been daed or dfed and I think that the numbers are about the same at the minute. That would make about 6.5 million ex-jws worldwide! How would you poll more, less or the same?

  • JH

    If they want their numbers to go up, let them make babies. That seems to be the best way to have more people at the hall...

  • JH

    I still think MORE, but maybe they would like to be elsewhere

  • Blueblades

    Lets make it simple.For those that like to, they can do a statistical review.Lets start at the year 1975,add all the baptized ones for the last 27 yrs.Take this total and subtract the number reported in the 2003 WT.Now lets look at the total numbers not for just one year,but, the last 27yrs.BTW.This has all ben done before and the figures show decreases( yet increases for the anointed??)Past posts have all the figures in detail.I started at 1975 because that was the year that the last call went out asking "Who will survive the ninthteen seventies?" Blueblades.

  • onacruse

    Five years ago I did a statistical analysis of baptisms, disfellowshippings, and reinstatements, and peak publishers, based on the Society's published numbers (since 1952) and actuarial tables. I came up with approx 1.2 million "non-practicing" JWs, a ratio of about 1:5. Of those, about 400 thousand are df'd.

    Of course, that doesn't count those that were never baptized, or were baptized and successfully faded.


  • blondie

    To understand the WTS concept of counting, let's look at how they count meeting attendance.

    It used to be the person had to be

    1) awake

    2) old enough to understand

    3) present for at least the first half of the meeting


    1) alive

    2) out of the womb

    3) present for the last second of the meeting

    (And this is no joke, just a little sarcastic)

  • gumby

    It's kind of interesting that 2 cults can have different progress. The Mormons are weird and multiplying. The dubs are weird and decreasing.

    Is there more smut on the dubs than the Mormons? Are their more ex-dub activist than their are ex-mormon activists?

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