An 'icon of evil' is dead.

by dmouse 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • dmouse

    Myra Hindley, who helped in the torture and killing of five children in the 1960's, died today.

    Good riddance.

    There had been attempts to have her released, because she was no longer a threat to the public!

    What about punishment? What about deterence?

    An 'icon of evil' has passed away.

    Good, that means we won't have to pay for her upkeep anymore.

  • Mary

    Good. I hope the bitch burns in hell.

  • pettygrudger

    As far as I'm concerned - she got off easy. A real deterent would have been applying eye for an eye policy and do to her what she did to her victims! I don't care if she did find God - all people seem to in prison. She didn't have an abnormal childhood - she was just plain sick.

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