All "Sun" gods turn water into wine!
In the gospels, Jesus is claimed to have changed water into wine during the wedding at Cana as proof of his divinity.
Answer for yourself: Are you aware that this same story is found in other mythologies and is part of the solar mythos? Long before the Christian era, Dionysus/Bacchus was said to turn water into wine, as related by A.J. Mattill:
"This story is really the Christian counterpart to the pagan legends of Dionysus, the Greek god of wine, who at his annual festival in his temple of Elis filled three empty kettles with wine-no water needed! And on the fifth of January wine instead of water gushed from his temple at Andros. If we believe Jesus' miracle, why should we not believe Dionysus's?" (Tim Leedom, The Book Your Church Does Not Want You To Read, 1993, p. 125.
Barbara Walker relates from her excellent book:
The story of his miracle at Cana was directly modeled on a Dionysian rite of sacred marriage celebrated at Sidon; even the Gospels' wording was copied from the festival of the older god (Barbara Walker, The Women's Encyclopedia Of Myths And Secrets, 1983, p. 464).urn water into wine!