Remember those pics that were often to be found in the wt/a mags. I'm thinking of the ones where you'd get a group of teenagers 'hanging out' in a back street or some corner.The females would often have seriously backcombed and toussled hair and a scowl on their face and the males were often depicted as yobbos, leering and jeering and looking as menacing as was possible for jws playing make believe!
Then...miracle of miracles, there would be the 'after' shot where the amazing transformation had taken place and suddenly these youths would have radiant kingdom smiles, ankle length skirts and hair slides. The males looking much more mature in their suit and ties would usually have an open bible in one of their hands and the other hand would be doing a random gesture!
Last night I attended a concert in a venue that is also used to host the district assemblies. What a contrast! I saw more "bold beaming faces" in the building last night than I ever remember at the conventions where the pissed- off expressions of the jw mob were a dead giveaway to the fact that they had to get up too early, wear uncomfortable clothing, couldn't find a seat, were bored shitless, kids wouldn't sit still, etc. etc.
My conclusion. The person behind those cock I mean mock-ups in the magazines has definately got it wrong. The worldly, death deserving crowd that I had extreme pleasure in enjoying company with last night had no angry, apathetic demeanor about them. Quite the contrary.
By the way the Foo Fighters were amazing!