I was given the December 8, 2002 Awake from a relative, and that is the title to an article inside. It goes on to relate how violent some parents and coaches have become and gives some examples of parents who have been violent in regards to their children's sports activities. While I do realize that there probably are instances of violent parents.....I'm sure these instances are relatively few and sporadic. But towards the end of the article it says how christian parents would do well to have their children play in a backyard or a local park so they have control over their children's association. Growing up, I would've loved to play sports, but of course the Society with all their control over everyone's lives, says that's a no-no. Playing school sports should be something every child should get to do if they want. And it's a lot of fun for the parents. So many of my workmates tell me how much fun they have taking their kids to soccer practice or baseball practice, and they enjoy seeing their child have fun, excel at something their good at, and get to interract with kids their own age. Now if we play by the Society's rules, we may get to play kick the ball in another family's backyard, but of course, that's only if that family is good, wholesome association. God, is there anything we could do as JW kids that was okay?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Oh, yeah........meetings and service! How could I forget!!!!!
Children's Sports....The New Epidemic of Violence!
by jimbob 6 Replies latest social current
Not only playing sports was a no-no, so was coaching your childs team considered one.
I knew a father that was coaching his childs soccer team.
The elders put a stop to it.
You know the reasons.
Bad association for the child.
Teaching how to be competitive.But the main reason it was a no-no?
Because it was taking time away from selling, distributing and placing magazines!
Our second son is so talented in sports and begged every year to get into something. We could never let him. Hubby was an elder and it just "wouldn't do".
One summer he went to the local elementary school everyday, and unbeknownst to us was playing soccer with a team there. The father who coached it called us in the Fall to see if we would give permisson for him to play again, saying "he is our best goalie, and incredibly talented". He was standing next to me, begging me with his eyes, to say yes. It breaks my heart to remember this. He was about 11 or 12.
Now he is 36, and plays softball in a men's league. He is still extremely talented in sports and could have played all of them. He is 6'5" so was always scouted for basketball. In high school, he didn't need our consent, so just played anyway (football).
He has a son now, and has said he is not playing softball next year because he will be coaching his own son. That little guy's first word was "Ball". He has inherited his Dad's love of Sports.
Jimbob, I'll bet they wanted you for basketball too. You are a tall one!!
Hi Marilyn! Yeah, I got hounded for a little while to play sports, but I always kept a low profile so the hounding stopped relatively soon. I did enjoy playing basketball, but was never super good at it. I think sports is such a good activity for kids. It keeps them active and helps them to interract with other kids. What do JW kids do when they get home from school.....well, if they were like me, (and I'm sure they still are) they sit in front of the TV or get involved in something they shouldn't. Some things the Society tells you not to do just make me scratch my head and go....HUH?
Alligator Wisdom
Yep! I know the story. It's the story of my life. For me, I had missed out in participating in sports. Whenever I had the chance to play, (especially baseball), I would sneak and practice playing with the non-JW neighbor's kids. Their coach was nice enough to let me join in on their practices even though I wasn't on the team. However, I couldn't play with them during the games. And besides, we had to go to the meeting or Book Study .
Who knows? I could be playing 1st base for the Boston Red Sox right now!
Alligator Wisdom ~ ( aka Brother "Not Exerting Vigorously")
Mulan, Have you seen 'The Rookie'? Your story made me think of it.
I never realized JWs were 'officially' against competition.
Well, that sure wraps up 'life skills' for living in America. Shame, shame.
I too read this article - I am still getting a subscription.
It really makes me so mad how they twist things. A couple of incidents of violence related to children's sports and they write an article that there is an "epidemic" as a scare tactic to reinforce the old ideas of witnesses kids not getting to play sports.
It is soo sad how many witnesses kids miss out on the joy of playing sports. Not too mention the training it gives kids in life lessons, how to get a long with others, how to win/lose graciously, how to strive for excellence how to take care of one's body and keep physically fit.
I never was into sports. But I was restricted from trying out for plays and participating in debate and other acting/presenting competitions. I got to be in one play my junior year in high school that required after school rehearsals, on the condition that I was excused from rehearsals scheduled on meeting nights. It was soo embarrasing having to ask the drama teacher to make an exception in my case and to have all the other kids wonder where I was. The sad thing is I was part of the cast but never really "connected" or made friends because as usual, although I may be involved in something that was cool, I was still a JW freak.
I realize my parents were doing something they thought was right and that would protect me - and granted maybe it did. But it was the beginning of the painful road I travelled as a JW adult, stifling the true person inside for the sake of 'the kingdom"